
Axel Issues?

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well i've gotten my axel already but it's so annoying because i keep losing it. i mean one day i can do it perfectly and the next it seems like i jump to fall. i could just be nervous because i have a test next week and i dont' feel completely ready. i've gotten my axel consistently like every jump is landed clean but now it seems like out of 10 jumps i could land maybe 3 to 5 at the most and it's really frustrating and disappointing. so i would appreciate it if anyone has any advice or even how to calm my nerves for this test?




  1. Yes, I agree with Ariel.  The Axel is one really tough jump to learn and not double foot the landing or fall on your rump. If you can do what she said about doing the Waltz Jump into a single Loop Jump, then pull your arms in for rotation right as your feet leave the ice to gear up for your Axel, it should help.

    Be sure you take a deep breath and release it just before you do the Jump and do not tense up or tighten your arms too much because you certainly don't want to over rotate the Axel.

    Nice and easy going backwards, breathe, release, then simply pull up and jump, rotate and land it on one foot, and you've done it!! I also fell a gazillion times learning how to do an Axel and some of my Double Jumps, as well. An Axel just requires practice, practice, practice in order to execute the Jump perfectly!!

    You also need to forget that this is a test. Try your best and think about something that will calm your nerves, but make sure you give the Axel your full attention before you attempt to test on it. Perhaps pretend that this is just one more practice Jump. The more nervous you are, the more likely you are to fall. Just tell yourself it's simple like a Single Lutz...that it is no big deal. If this were a Double Salchow where you could very

    easily over rotate the Jump, then I would understand being nervous, but you need to downplay the difficulty of the Axel in order to relax. I am sure you will do great!  

    Best of luck to you, sweetie!!   :-)

  2. The axel is a tough jump, I won't lie.  I found, when I was learning my axel, (and it applies to double axels as well) is to do a waltz jump with a loop jump tacked on to it.  Now start again and do a waltz jump, and then off the waltz jump landing, go right into an axel.  It helps to solidify your balance and helps your mind go "ok, this is how I'm supposed to land".  Do that a couple of times every day during practice and then once that feels comfortable, go ahead and just go for an axel without a waltz jump in front of it.  This was an indispensable trick for me when I was learning my axel.  Also work on it off ice.  just from a standing position, do an axel.  It helps with your landing balance.
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