
Axel help? (all figure skaters)?

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How do a land a clean single axel? Any tricks that helped u? Thx ♥




  1. you know on your take off, you have to like "step on the box"? did you ever learn that? that's how i learned it. You have to really let your right leg come up, and you have to jump. If you don't jump high enough, you're not gonna get the rotation to land it clean. And for those people who just stand and take off, i suggest skating, even if its slow. Movement really helps you follow through. I started working on my axel when i was 7, and even though that was like 7 years ago, i remember having 98098493082 bruises, and my tights were always soaking, but you have to stick with it. I got it about a year later lol. Then i lost it again, but hard work and determination will help you get it. You can't be afraid to fall and get hurt. lol

    good luck ;)

  2. pull in really really tight and make sure that when you take off you left shoulder is in front(for a righty:opposite for a lefty)  make sure that your step up is big so that you can get up high enough to make it clean then when you are landing remember not to come out of before you land because then it wont be clean

    dont drop your hip either when you are in the air



    they can help with anything you throw at them(chances are theve had the same problem)

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

    Hope i helped!

  3. coming from a figure skater who has skated for ten years and a coach that has coached for about three years, this is not something that you should ask others unless they  have seen your axel.  listening to others' advice if they havent seen your jump could actually make things worse.  the best thing you can do is to make sure you are listening to your coach very carefully and listening to only his or her advice (not a bunch of people's advice).  after that, the best advice anyone can give you is to practice, practice, and practice!

  4. for some reason it won't let me put the youtube link

    on here, so just copy and paste this into the youtube search engine:

    Advanced Ice Skating Jumps : Ice Skating Jumps: The Axel

    good luck! =D

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