
Axis & Allies?

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I just started playing Axis & Allies revised edition. I was reading the rule book, and it didnt cover a couple things I had questions about.

1. If you attack a hostile territory that is unoccupied, do you automaticaly capture that territory, even if there was no battle?

2. When choosing a flight path can you use a neutral territory as a flight path zone?

3. Can you "Blitz" through a neutral territory?

If anyone could explain these things to me it would be great.




  1. 1. Yes, you automatically "win" an unoccupied territory if you move a piece into or through it.  I love blitzing my AXIS  tank through unoccupied French Equatorial Africa en route to a coordinated attack on Egypt.  That way I capture one territory for sure and possibly two!

    2. No.  (Unless you pay 3 IPCs!) Aircraft, just like land based troops, may NOT pass through neutral territories unless you pay for the privilege.  Read the rules on "Violating Neutrality" again.  NOTE! After the first person to violate neutrality pays up, it is NO LONGER considered a neutral territory.

    3. NO.  Providing you have paid for the privilege you may enter the neutral territory, but you MUST STOP there.  The rules are specific.  However, read my "NOTE" in answer 2 again to see why only one person will suffer this inconvenience!

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