
Ayahuasca..., anyone has experienced?

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Has anyone experienced this medicinal mixture, ayahuasca, if so can u share them with me?




  1. Yes. Years ago in the Peruvian rain forest. This is not an experience to be taken lightly. It is a tradition that should always be approached with respect and reverence. These are the sacred traditions and ceremonies of shamans of South America.  When ayahuasca is made properly in ceremony, it takes days even weeks to prepare as it is prayed over as the shaman makes it. Most of the time it is not a pleasant 'trip' as It's about facing your shadow side.

    Physically, it makes you nauseous and gives you diarrhea. Most people experience both symptoms and a select few usually 1 or the other.  Although i didn't c**p my pants, I was extremely nauseous, but I didn't throw up. I probably should have as the nausea and yucky feeling stayed with me for days.

    Usually the ceremonies done for westerners have a shaman and a handful of helpers who are not drinking the medicine. Theses helpers need to be sober to guide the participants in whatever their needs are: running to the bathroom, throwing up (as most people have trouble standing and walking), or helping them through a crisis.

    I was lucky that my 'trip' wasn't so dark in my hallucinations but physically it was horrible. that's part of it though.

    The feeling can last from a few hours to much longer depending on the sensitivity of the person.

    I have known people who have attended ceremonies when the plants had no effect at all. People just sat around and said 'what the f*&k!".  Medicine people say the spirit of the plant won't work on those who don't respect and honor the tradition of it.

    This trend of some westerners leading ayahuasca ceremonies worries me as they have not the experience and training to help people as they are tripping out. They also don't have the lifelong experience of the traditions. Most true shamans have been trained from a young age living in the rain forest. They've devoted their life to this and know how to handle when the participants go through some of their personal s#&t.

  2. Ayahuasca will take you on a journey like no other. You will be faced with your own psyche, experiences, beliefs, etc.  It can be absolutely terrifying, but if you are brave enough to take the journey it is very rewarding.  However, do your homework and know what you are getting into.  There are people out there that use ayahuasca for selfish purposes.  Be sure you take the journey with an experienced and trustworthy shaman that can guide you and protect you.

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