
Aye-Ayes question.?

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Imagine you were visiting Madagascar. How can you convince natives not to kill the Aye-ayes? Describe your approach.




  1. What's and aye-aye and why shouldn't the natives kill it?

  2. the best way would be to befriend a aye aye make a pet out of one especially if you were going to stay their awhile that would dispel the superstitions of it being a bringer of death unfortunately superstitions among native peoples are very ingrained and it is near impossible to remove such feelings from there society .It would be the best to remove them from that area and the safety of a zoo or game preserve were those superstitions are not around at least a captive colony could eventually be reintroduced once the natives kill of the natural population and re educate the natives that they are harmless

  3. Pay a local to take you to see a LIVE Aye-Aye in it's native habitat so you can take photographs of it.  Pay them well.

    Pay then to buy some of their native crafts, foods, ect.  Help their economy thrive, because of the tourists coming to take photos of Aye_Ayes.

    Be extremely polite of their native customs and beliefs, do NOT try to tell them they are wrong for believing Aye-Ayes are evil because of their specialized finger.  Only encourage them by stating that you are willing to take a chance (of the evil) and want to take photos.  Hopefully you also know other people who will be tourist and you can also refer them.

    If the native people can make a living selling dayhikes (or what-have you) to tourist wanting to take photos they will eventually stop killing them.

    By the way, some of the natives (very few) actually believe Aye-Ayes are good luck.  The spreading of tourist dollars will help spread that felling of good will toward Aye-Ayes.

    I use to know an Irish guy who lives on Madagascar.  He showed me facinating photos of some of their rituals, including the skewers, big knives, and swords through the cheeks think during some of their religious rituals.


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