
Aye guys. iam really am trying to dunk in basketball. its hard to me. iam about 5'11. what should i do.

by Guest58954  |  earlier

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Aye guys. iam really am trying to dunk in basketball. its hard to me. iam about 5'11. what should i do.




  1. Well, you need to increase your vertical.


    The best training for improving leg strength and your vertical jump is called "explosive" training. Many NBA players use it and other Athletes who require leg strength. As the name suggests its a very fast paced movement.

    Squat Jumps: Set yourself up for the basic squat position, lower yourself parallel to the floor, hold and then explode straight up leaving the floor and thrusting your arms upwards. As you land bend your knees back into the squat position and explode again. Continue for 3 sets of 8 repititions. (or what you are comfortable with)

    Russian Lunge: (Essentially lunge jumps, similar to squat jumps but in the lunge position.) Place one foot 3 feet in front of the other and lower your body until your foward thigh is parallel to the floor. Quickly push yourself backup and spring off the floor, landing with the opposite leg foward. As soon as you land, lower yourself back into the lunge position. That's one rep. Then repeat. (This exercise is in fact used by Dwight Freeny of the Colts)

    Once you find the exercises easy hold dumbells or wear a weight vest to increase the resistance.

    Anything fast paced and explosive that causes stress in your leg muscles will aid in improving your leap. Other basic exercises like calf raises are also good.

    Also, simple jumping exercises to improve futher is by doing a consecutive jumping drill. Begin by jumping as high as you can off both feet. Your hands should be above your head and rotating to help you jump high. As soon as you land, go right back up. Repeat this twenty-five times. Next, jump twenty-five times off your right foot, then twenty-five times off your left. Keep your hands up and go up as quickly as you can after landing. Next, jump twenty-five times bringing your knees to your chest. You can now bring your arms down in order to maintain balance, but continue jumping as quickly as possible. Then jump twenty-five times trying to kick your heals into your rear end. Finally, perform twenty-five Jerry Wests. A Jerry West is a jump in which you bend forward at the waist extending your arms at forty-five degree angles. Try to touch your fingertips to your toes.

    Personally i don't like things like the leg press and other machines. though everything i just metioned and free weight exercises i find work the best but you won't really need weights for the exercises I mentioned until you really start to get stronger.

    For further exercises for improving your jumping abilities I would advise you go to and follow the links for Nike SPARQ Training. It's in both the Basketball and Football sections. The training program is great, and the videos explain everything.

    Just keep at it man.

    Hope I've helped.

  2. Proofread before you post your question.

  3. Less body fat=higher vert. And go to the gym and work on your legs.

  4. what i do is just jump rope everyday like 500 reps then you can increase each day by like 10, 25, 50 whatever also you can buy jumpsoles there kinda expensive but they work really really well

    glad i could help you in any way

  5. There's more to basketball than just being able to dunk.

  6. you need to not only work out your legs but your abs also. they help a lot in increasing your verticle leap

  7. Get in the weight room and do some power cleans and squats. Your legs will become more explosive.

  8. about 200 Calf Raises a night with 2 bottles of water & Jumping Rope for about half an hour. you can take breaks every 10 minutes with 2 bottles of water. TRUST ME IT WORKS AND THE WATER IS A PLUS!! make sure u rest do this every other day. WORK ON UR CORE in the middle days.. sit ups ab workouts. then any other days u have free do arm workouts......You have a medicine ball be creative. search it on google or youtube. "workouts with a medicine ball" IM ONLY 17 AND ITS SIMPLE IM DUNKING OVER 20 30 year olds. ASKING ME TO DO IT AGAIN!!! and AGAIN lol.

    I would shy away from ankle weights becasue the weaken your achilles muscle. and pull on ur ankles. not good for overall development of your vertical jump.

    and for all you people leaving stupid answers. this person put thier question up for HELP!!! imagine coming to ur inbox seein BULL c**p!!!! stop doing thiS!!!

  9. try this program. really easy, worked for me

    Week 1

    100 rope skips on two feet \

    100 rope skips on right foot \

    100 rope skips on two feet-------  rest for 3 minutes between sets

    100 rope skips on left foot    /

    100 rope skips on two feet  /

    You must keep your knees bent at all times during the skips.  In other words, you leave the ground with your knees bent, and you land with your knees bent.

    Week 2

    Keep doing the same as week 1 but add these exercises:

    3 sets of 30 reps (15 each leg) lunges (you be the judge for the amount of weight                                        

                                                              that you will put for this exercise)(3 min. rest)

    1 set of calf raises on right foot for 50 reps \

    1 set of calf raises on left foot for 50 reps------rest for 3 minutes between sets

    1 set of calf raises on both feet for 50 reps /

    **note: you must do second set of calf raises with the leg you most often jump with.**

    Week 3

    Eliminate rope skips

    Do same as Week 2 but add these exercises:

    1 set of 15 wall taps with right hand   \

    1 set of 15 wall taps with left hand--------rest for 3 minutes between sets

    1 set of 15 wall taps with both hands /

    **when you are doing this exercise, make sure you are going up as soon as you hit the ground again.  No resting between jumps and go as high as you can.**

    Week 4

    Eliminate calf raises.

    Do the same as week 3 but add these exercises:

    3 sets of 15 knees to chest jumps (hands begin in the air and go on the knees while feet are in the air)(rest for 3 minutes between sets)

    3 sets of 15 pike jumps (legs and arms are parallel to the ground)(rest for 3 minutes between every set)

    *******very important that you stop the program as soon as you feel something is not right.  This program is very difficult on the joints so be careful.********

  10. If you're a high jumper and have a average height you'll can perform it.Just practice!

  11. Your homework.

  12. If you really want to improve your jumping ability, first you need to figure out what type of power or strength you are lacking, base strength, transitional power, or explosiveness, they are all different and must be trained in different ways. You'll also want to figure out which individual muscles/muscle groups are working inefficiently You can figure this out by completing a full vertical jump test progression and a baseline fitness test to diagnose any muscle imbalances that you may have. Do a routine that combines plyomertic/body weight, free weight and or acceleration routines. In order to gain inches you'll need to tax your central nervous system and force your body to create new motor pathways. If you do this correctly you should gain at least an inch a week.

    Jump 18 Inches By October?

  13. Work on your shooting. Dunking is overrated.

  14. work on your vertical jump by doing every strength traing exercise you can and jump vertically regularly, or even put leg weights and practice for a few weeks then take them off and try then

  15. lower the rim

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