
Aye would some body please help me pretty please Highschool question your answer depends on my future!?

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When I was in elem.(school) I failed the 5th grade and now im in highschool in 9th now and is suppose to be in the 10th and I really want to get upgraded to my next grade .I have high academic grades but I don't wanna rush becasue this is my 1st experience in highschool and I wanna be able to remember that/I don't want to leave my friend in 9th grade and I have a class with this really cute boy lol but then I also feel like its somthing I have to do in order to suceed in life to get to collage earler can some one help me out please help me decide




  1. please don't put your life on hold for a cute boy!!!!!

    if you get upgraded...i'm guessing you'd still be in the same you'd still see him around.

    if you can get upgraded then do will benefit you heaps in the future...i can guarantee that.......

    if you're worried about being able to remember your experience, you shouldn't be. What makes you think that you would forget the experience of being upgraded? i mean have you forgotten about the time you got kept down?

    hope i helped...

    can you please help me???;...

  2. you have to study your lessons..and you have to bear in your mind that education is the first thing to succeed in life...

    i know crushes,admiring somebody can happen because we are only human which can fall in love at a time, so you can't really get this out...

    i hope i had helped you..


  3. well, you'll have to choose between getting into college earlier and staying with your friends. come up with the pros and cons of going into your correct grade.

    and since it's highschool, you'll probably see your friends from a lower grade anyway. that's the way it is here.

  4. I think you mean YOUR future depends on MY answer!  : )      I've been teaching H.S. for many years.  Don't rush yourself!  If your academic grades are good, then you're on the right track.  There is no need to "get to college (notice it's spelled with an 'e,' not an 'a'!) earlier.  If you really want to "succeed in life," as you stated, take your time and do it correctly.  Your social life will fall into place.  Right now, your priority has to be your academic career.  I've seen too many students rush to finish early and then face the bitter diappointment that there's really no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Everyone catches up and ends up on the employment line.  You'll get there.  Take your time and do it right.

  5. It is best your remain on your current course through high school.  Rushing your schooling just for the sake of graduating when you're supposed to isn't the best idea.  You will miss what you should be learning in 9th grade if you skip to 10th grade.

    Now there is a possibility that if you are achieving high academic marks, you could move up a grade level.  High school is more flexible when it comes to placing students in appropriate level classes.  Confide in a counselor to help you decide your best course of action.

    Finally, when you start college in life will not dictate whether you will succeed in life or not.  Most people start right after high school, some decide to work a year or so before going to college.  You should start college when you feel you are ready.  Starting early for the sake of starting early will not be beneficial for you.

    Best of luck in your endeavors!

  6. OK, your question is a bit muddled, but I presume you are asking whether you should work extra hard to be upgraded?

    Well I would say that if you are finding 9th grade especially easy, then go for it.

    Remember: truly good friends will still be your friends when you go up a grade and you will make new friends too and a 'cute' boy is never worth affecting your school life. Believe me you will meet tons of cute boys wherever you go.

    If you are just 'comfortable' with the work then stay where you are. It's pointless trying to get there only to be failing miserably because you've missed some of the curriculum.

    What I would suggest is that you speak to your parents and the head master / principle and between you see if you can agree to be given a sample of the 10th grade work to do as additional homework, (yes I know, its hard work, but it will prepare you). This way you will know if you can cope with the work load / academic level. If you cope well with that then maybe you can ask to be put into 10th grade for the subjects you are best at to begin with, this way you will get to know people in the groups and get a taste for the classes. If you like it you can do the same with you other classes, if not there's the opportunity to opt out.

    Talk with your parents.

    Good Luck

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