
Azumah Nelson vs. Jeff Fenech III? When will it stop?

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All I can say is why? I know boxers have flashbacks and are trying to relive the glory days, but both of these fighters are waaaaaaay past their primes and are trying punch each others brains again! I will say it once and once for all.... (THERE IS AND WILL ONLY BE ONE GEORGE FOREMAN! EVERYBODY CAN NOT DO WHAT HE DID IN 1994!)

Any answers?




  1. this really shouldn't happen, nelson is almost 50 and fenech's hands are in pretty bad shape.......neither guy has anything left to prove.

  2. I hope it never happens. They should just sit down with each other and play some poker. But, I guess if they want to do it, and theres no real reason medically that they cant, it might just happen. I cant think of too many sporting events I'd like to see less than this.

  3. I read a similar question on here and didn't answer because I really thought they were joking.  I cannot believe these guys who are obviously past their fighting primes and have already fought each other twice, are actually entertaining the thought of fighting again.  I am not really sure of their ages, but they certainly are up there.  At one time this was a great matchup, but not any longer. Frankly I hope it does not happen.  Nelson will be 50 this September and Fenech will be turning 44 at the end of this month.

  4. You've gotta be kidding? Everyone thinks they're Big George but George had the power, and that's the last thing to go on a fighter. People forget that Michael Moorer was killing George up until the KO. The power saved George from sure defeat. I hope these guys aren't serious. What could a fight between them prove at this point? Hopefully it won't happen.

  5. Its stuff like this that gives boxing a bad name. Both fighters are legends with nothing left to prove but the draw of the almighty dollar brings them back every time. Look at Saoul Mamby  the guys like 60 and Idaho issued him a license and he lost a dec recently. That's nuts!

    Foreman was special because he came back at 37 and wanted the title. Nobody took him serious, then 8 years later blam! He wins but he never really took a lot of punishment.

    Nelson and Fenech look a $hitload of punishment in their careers and I hope that common sense will tell them not to continue.

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