
B&B Fans- About the Eric Poisoning?

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I was just catching up on B&B. And saw were they were going to arrest Donna. I thought at first it was Owen, but now I saw where the man, don't know his name, was telling Crazy Pam about the Honey at the Cabin? I bet Pam will go to the Cabin and put something in the honey,when she finds out about the poison, and they will find it and think Donna did it. But I think now it is the Lemon Bars and they were meant for Donna. Who agrees or what?




  1. I think its someone completely different that did the dirty deed someone we do not suspect, not Owen or Donna and not even crazy Pam surely they will make it more interesting and not so simple for us to figure out, it could be Jackie the scorned lover or Donna's dad , or even Beth she also loved Eric at one time and probably was still heartbroken that he chose her daughters over her and she did have that stroke a while back that could have changed her personality

  2. No, that is not how Eric got the poison, Owen put it in the bottle of Gin he gave Eric at the party.

  3. It's really kinda hard to say who did it at this point. At first, I was thinking Owen too, I mean he did just appear out of nowhere and now he's Donna's BFF. But for some reason, I believe it's Pam. She hates Donna (the hot tamale) with a passion. Maybe she intended to poison Donna, not Eric, or frame Donna to make it seem as if Donna did it. Either way, it's probably gonna be someone that we would have never suspected. h**l, it may even be Stephanie. Where has she been all this time?

  4. YES PAM TRIED TO KILL HER...i think Felicia is framing Donna..

  5. I think Pam has something to do with it, but its really hard seeing her playing a villain, after watching Ally Mills play the role of Kevin Arnold's mom on the Wonder Years.

  6. Donna does get arrested.

    I still think Owen set Donna up and poisoned Eric.

    Can anyone prove it?

    I don't think Pam or the caretaker had anything to do with it.

  7. that was Earl the caretaker for the cabin. i don't think he had anything to do with it.

    Owen admitted that he poisoned Erick before they took Donna away, but he could be lying again. i think Owen framed Donna but had doubts about having her locked up or didn't think that Bridgette would call Lieutenant Baker (the police). since he is in love with Donna maybe he had second thoughts about having her locked up. some one has some explaining to do.

    i think that some how that nut case Pammy will get Owen and Donna to the cabin at Big Bear after all of this. i think Pammy would spread honey or lemon bars around the cabin to provoke a bear attack on Donna and Owen.

  8. Owen confessed today. I'm sure he set her up the day he was picking up her underwear from all over the house. He told her then that someone had broken into the house, but l guess he did that to plant his evidence.

  9. I didn't see that yet, that must happen today..........there's no way that Donna did that to Eric!

    No telling what the heck Pam will do..........I can't stand her!!

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