
B&B: on a scale of 1 to 10, how ugly is....?

by  |  earlier

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  1. ya  good question !!! she up there on the scale i  will give her a 7 cz she got a nice shape!! that it !!!

  2. It's sad that in today's world people still judge those by their looks.  Shame on everyone who says she's ugly.  

  3. I'll be looking more closely I suppose,    I have been more involved in how she was evolving into the role of Donna.  I never found her ugly.

    And the blond hair?   who thinks,  any blond on the show is a natural  LOL

  4. I think she needs to get that ugly mole removed I think that would make her more attractive.    

  5. I am going to say an 8! The plastic surgery she had really messed up her face big time!

  6. does anyone else think she looks like a Barbie doll?

  7. I know it sounds mean, but I think she's pretty weird looking.

    She's not ugly, she's just odd looking - doesn't look natural at all.

  8. a 9. i just don't know on good days its about a 5 but most days you can tell she had a plastic surgeon go to town on her face.  

  9. This is a interesting question > at times I think she's a dog and when she is next to another character I think she's very good looking < so on a scale of 1 to 10 ====== 7.5

  10. 10..........10...........and 10

    She's thin ..... that's all I see.  Her facial features looks as though they are meshed together. Her eyes, nose and mouth are all to close together. I can hardly stand to look at her. I'm so busy looking at how ugly she is I don't pay attention to what she's saying. I'm hoping a big old black bear gets her. I know Brooke and Katie will be upset but they are beautiful where she is the ugly sister.  

  11. I agree with the others, she has had too much plastic surgery and is fake looking. The mole is a big thing too.She should have that removed.

  12. i don't know about how ugly but i wish i had that body. if your talking about her face maybe that's another story.

  13. 6

  14. 4

  15. Sometimes I find her pretty other times she is just to skinny and looks plastic they always have to have bleached blond hair typical! she is a 6

  16. I actually think Donna is nice looking in a strange sort of way her forehead is a little big and she has some mannish looks on some days but I think the way they make her up has a lot to do with it,she needs something to hide her big forehead and stop with the drawn on eyebrows, she works out a lot too which gives her those muscular features, but on the scale I think she can rate a 8-9

  17. I'd say a 6.8. She's not very pretty, but she sure isn't as ill attractive looking as others on the show *cough*taylor*cough*. You can tell that she has had a lot of plastic surgery; her lips are huge and puffy. They could swallow you easily! Her eyes are pretty, but her hair would look better darker. She's also very tan...too tan.

  18. i say a 5.

  19. 5. she has a great figure but she needs help in her face

  20. you people are terrible

  21. I'd say about 8!

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