
B****** alert !!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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there are these girl's in my grade and well they bully me and my friend every day and somtimes i feel sick thinking abou the next day i have to go to school and see there ugly faces and there sluty ways there are two of them and one of them hit me i felt like standing up for myself and getting back at them hitting then 10 times harder ao they won't touch me again but i know that would be the wrong thing to do

HELP what should i do!




  1. Talk to your counselor. They are there to help and will do whatever they can to help. But be prepared to offer proof of the bullying because the B****es may deny it.  

  2. do something about it or stand up for yourselfff and do the same thing back. it might be wrong but what there doing is too and if you just let them and show that its bothering you theyll probly keep it upp until they find someone else or get bored of you.

  3. You got two choices: 1st is to talk back and b*tch at them right back and stick up for yourself but you HAVE to be aggressive when you do it or its gonna be pointless. 2nd is to just ignore them and act like you don't know them. Don't even look at them. Or talk to your friend when they are around like you don't care about them.  

  4. That sucks. I think you should go to an adult. Even though you might think that's embarrassing and lame you have to do it. Once your parents talk with their parents or the Principal talks with them they should back off but usually they come back for more just to p**s you off. So if they keep on bugging you stand up for your self and tell them off and i dont mean jump at them i mean raise your voice and just start telling them how they make you feel and tell them to stop it. Some good things to say would be "Why dont you get some lives because you clearley need one if you spend your time makeing other people feel like **** and then think your cool if you do it"! or " You're just both little s***s who's lives suck so you go around making yourself feel big by making other peoples live suck". Ya so you could say that if they wont let up but only as a last resort because they might go at you again which means you've hit a nerve that probably true. But yeah start hanging out with more of your friends so you and your other friend arent vulnerableble and if all else fails just ignore them. And be ready to defend yourself if they lunge at you or something. Dont get yourself hurt or in too much trouble. Hope i helped.

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