
B- and B+ decay? Quantised?

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Can anybody please briefly explain to me what B- and B+ decay is? I've found some explanations on the web, but they're a bit difficutl to understand..

Also, if something asks for a definition of 'quantised', should I refer to how it can (sometimes) be talking about putting things in terms of quantum physics, or just about the absolute values thing? Is "quantised" the same thing as "quantise"? Like, if it asks for a definition of "quantised", I could just say "something that has absolute values", (obviously better than that), but something along those lines?

Thanks in advance!




  1. In beta- decay, a neutron in the nucleus becomes a proton, and spits out an electron and a neutrino.

    In beta+ decay, a proton in the nucleus becomes a neutron and spits out a positron and a neutrino.

    The nucleus has an ideal ratio of neutrons to protons that varies with size.  For small nuclei, it's near 1-1.  For larger nuclei, the electrostatic repulsion between protons encourages a ratio with slightly more neutrons.  If an isotope is off of the ideal ratio one way or the other, it will tend to beta decay to fix the ratio.

    Something is quantized if it can only assume certain values.  The behavior of very small particles is governed by a differential equation that's similar to a wave equation.  Like a classical wave confined to a small space only resonates with certain frequencies, the small particle can only have certain energies.

  2. Before the atomic nucleus was understood, it was known that certain elements radiated particles and energy. The particles were called Alpha and Beta. Alpha particles are Helium-4 nuclei, while Beta particles are electrons. The energy is usually Gamma rays, but sometimes x-rays.

    Electrons have a negative charge, thus they constitute B- (Beta -) decay. Some nuclei, however, have an excess of protons and will emit B + particles. These are the positive, anti-particle of the electron.

    Proton >>> Neutron + B+          Neutron >>> Proton + B-

    In atomic and nuclear physics, quantized refers to particles within the atom being restricted to specific orbitals having specific energies. The values of these energies depend on the total gravimetric, magnetic, and charge field generated by all the particles within the atom in question.

    Our money system is quantized. The denominations of our coins and paper money dictate what prices may be charged.

    A gum ball cannot cost 4.756 cents. It must be 4 or 5 cents.

    A parking meter can accept any number of quarters, but not 20 cents.

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