
B/f stole a lot of money from me in 5 months :( help me?

by  |  earlier

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was with him 3 1/2 a signed confession, but mentally i'm a wreck...any help?




  1. First, calm down and get your wits about you. You did not mention how much money he stole. I agree you should take him to court but if the amount of money he stole is greater than the requirements of small claims then take your case to Circuit Court. It's the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony. He could do jail time for either one, it's just how much time. Just make sure you don't back out at the last minute and not press charges. He's a creep!!!

  2. Pursue him for the money in small claims court if you have proof. If he doesn't have any money or is violent, just chalk it up to experience. Never date a bum like him again. You may just need to let go of this for your own mental health.

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