
B12 what is the best sources for Vegan diet?

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I really don't want to pop suplements. I know rice dream and soy dream give you 25% of your daily value per serving. Is Nutrtitional Yeast really a good source of B12 and is it well absorbed? What is the exact amount of b12 Vegans need?

Please give specific evidence not just opinion.





  1. The Whole Foods near me sells this vegan gum called B-Fresh. It has at least 100% daily values of B12 in two pieces, and some varieties have as much as 300%.

    Company's website:

    Buy it online:

    Silk is a good source of B12. I'm not sure about all the flavors, but Silk Plus Omega3 DHA has 50% DV of B12 in each glass, so you only need to drink 2 glasses a day.

    Nutritional yeast isn't a reliable source of B12, because B12 is light sensitive. Health food stores usually keep the yeast in clear bins, so the light destroys the B12. (Source: )

    What Every Vegan Should Know about Vitamin B12

    " To get the full benefit of a vegan diet, vegans should do one of the following:

    1. eat fortified foods two or three times a day to get at least three micrograms (mcg or mg) of B12 a day or

    2. take one B12 supplement daily providing at least 10 micrograms or

    3. take a weekly B12 supplement providing at least 2000 micrograms."

  2. tempeh! it's a great source of B12 because it occurs naturally in the fermentation of tempeh and isn't just added to it.  =)

  3. nothing I'm afraid. There are options for vegetarians (like eggs, but if you are vegan you'll have to keep taking a supplement by the looks of it. has the details (see below and link  - there is also info on how much is recommended in your diet)

    The only reliable unfortified sources of vitamin B12 are meat, dairy products and eggs. There has been considerable research into possible plant food sources of B12. Fermented soya products, seaweeds and algae have all been proposed as possible sources of B12. However, analysis of fermented soya products, including tempeh, miso, shoyu and tamari, found no significant B12.

    Spirulina, an algae available as a dietary supplement in tablet form, and nori, a seaweed, have both appeared to contain significant amounts of B12 after analysis. However, it is thought that this is due to the presence of compounds structurally similar to B12, known as B12 analogues. These cannot be utilised to satisfy dietary needs. Assay methods used to detect B12 are unable to differentiate between B12 and it's analogues, Analysis of possible B12 sources may give false positive results due to the presence of these analogues.

    Researchers have suggested that supposed B12 supplements such as spirulina may in fact increase the risk of B12 deficiency disease, as the B12 analogues can compete with B12 and inhibit metabolism.

    The current nutritional consensus is that no plant foods can be relied on as a safe source of vitamin B12.

  4. There are several good vegan multivitamins out there. With no gelatin or whatever.

    I use nutritional yeast for the flavor (makes great macaroni and "cheese") but I don't depend on it for B12. I drink soymilk and it has some too. I still eat eggs and cheese occasionally, but I take a vegan multivitamin as a safety net. I took multivitamins even before I gave up meat.

    There is really nothing wrong with taking a daily vitamin, it's wise, especially if you are female and in your childbearing years, but it's not a bad idea for everyone to take one.

    Vitamin B12 is excreted in the urine, so if you exceed what you "need" no harm done. Don't overdo it on the fat soluble vitamins like Vit A, D, etc - you can become toxic on them.

  5. the healthiest thing that you can do is to be a human, an omnivore, and eat some meat with milk

  6. I have been a vegetarian for over 10 years now, I couldnt keep my B-12 and protein levels up, then my nutritionist turned me onto Klamath Blue Green Algae. It has your daily needed B-12 and tons of protein in every 2 caps and I take 4-6 a day. They have also helped with my energy levels. Here is a link to where I get mine. I hope this helps. Many Blessings

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