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Please choose your favourite name from each group:

1. Ethan Tyler OR Jackson Lewis OR Caleb Nathaniel

2.Joel Lachlan OR Lachlan Joel

3. Culver Adrian OR Declan Thomas OR Jared William

4. William Jake OR Samuel Cole

5. Oliver James OR Isaac Levi

6. Connor Zetion (ZEE-SHAN) OR Corey Alexander

7. Zeke Tyler OR Zetion Tyler OR Zaine Tyler




  1. Caleb Nathaniel

    Joel Lachlan

    Declan Thomas

    William Jake

    Isaac Levi

    Corey Alexander

    Zeke Tyler

    They are all lovely names. Which ever name was used would be great :)

  2. 1. Caleb Nathaniel

    2. Joel Lachlan

    3. Culver or Jared, not sure

    4. Samuel Cole

    5. Isaac Levi

    6 Connor

    7. Zeke

  3. 1. Jackson Lewis

    2. Lachlan Joel

    3. Declan Thomas

    4. Samuel Cole

    5. Oliver James

    6. Connor Zetion

    7. Zane Tyler

    My fave is Jackson Lewis.

    Hope I helped!!

  4. 1. Ethan Tyler

    2. Lachlan Joel

    3. Declan Thomas

    4. Samuel Cole

    5. Oliver James

    6. Corey Alexander

    7. Zaine Tyler

  5. 1. Caleb Nathaniel (But I love Jackson too)

    2. Joel Lachlan

    3. Jared William

    4. William Jake

    5. Isaac Levi

    6. Connor Zetion

    7. Zaine Tyler

    1, 4, and 5 are my favorites.

  6. 1. Ethan Tyler OR Jackson Lewis OR Caleb Nathaniel? Ethan Tyler

    2.Joel Lachlan OR Lachlan Joel? Joel Lachlan

    3. Culver Adrian OR Declan Thomas OR Jared William? Jared William

    4. William Jake OR Samuel Cole? Samuel Cole

    5. Oliver James OR Isaac Levi? Oliver James

    6. Connor Zetion (ZEE-SHAN) OR Corey Alexander? Connor Zetion

    7. Zeke Tyler OR Zetion Tyler OR Zaine Tyler? Zeke Tyler

  7. Caleb Nathaniel

    Joel Lachlan

    Jared William

    Samuel Cole

    Oliver James

    Connor Zetion (i think Connor Alexander would be good, too!)

    Zeke Tyler

  8. Caleb Nathaniel

    Joel Lachlan

    Declan Thomas

    Samuel Cole

    Oliver James

    Corey Alexander

    Zeke Tyler

  9. 1. Caleb Nathaniel

    2. Joel Lachlan

    3. Jared William

    4. Samual Cole

    5. Isaac Levi

    6. Corey Alexander

    7. Zaine Tyler

  10. I Like all 3 from Number one, but swaying more with Jackson Lewis or Ethan Tyler.

    Joel Lachlan

    Jared William

    Samuel Cole

    Prefer James Oliver....

    Corey Alexander

    Zaine Tyler

  11. Ethan Tyler (but the initials are ET, which isn't so good)

    Lachlan Joel

    Declan Thomas

    Samuel Cole

    Oliver James

    Corey Alexander

    Zetion Tyler

  12. 1. Ethan Tyler

    2. Strongly dislike both of them

    3. Jared William

    4. William Jake

    5. Oliver James

    6. Connor Zetion

    7. Strongly dislike all of them

  13. 1) Jackson Nathaniel

    2) Joel

    3) Jared William

    4) Samuel Cole

    5) Isaac James

    6) Connor Alexander

    7) Zeke or Zaine

    Some of the names I liked in a different order, there are the orders that I like them in.

  14. Caleb Nathaniel (my son is called Caleb, and I wanted Nathaniel but Daddy didn't like it)

    Joel Lachlan

    Declan Thomas

    William Jake

    Oliver James (there is no way I could call my child Isaac with my surname, it would be child abuse)

    Connoer Zetion (though that middle name is horrible)

    Zaine Tyler...If you must.

  15. 1. Caleb Nathaniel (I like Ethan Nathaniel though)

    2. Lachlan Joel

    3. Jared William

    4. Samuel Cole (sounds very familiar...)

    5. I like both...

    6. Connor Alexander (I know... wrong... but I hate Corey)

    7. Zeke Tyler (I would do Ezekiel and shorten it though)

    They're actually really good names. I like that you have stayed with sane spellings!

  16. 1. Caleb Nathaniel

    2.joel lachlan

    3.  none

    4.Samuel Cole

    5. James Levi

    6.Corey Alexander

    7. Zaine Tyler

  17. 1. Jackson Lewis - it flows really well

    2. Joel Lachlan - Joel is one of my favorite names

    3. Declan Thomas - I love the name Thomas

    4. Samuel Cole - I don't really like the name William

    5. Oliver James - Levi is a brand, not a name!

    6. Corey Alexander - Not too fond of Zetion

    7. Zaine Tyler - Zaine is a really cute name!

  18. 1. Jackson Lewis

    2.Joel Lachlan

    3.Jared William

    4.Samuel Cole

    5.Oliver James

    6. Corey Alexander

    7.Zeke Tyler  

  19. 1.  Caleb Nathaniel

    2. Joel Lachlan

    3.  Jared William

    4.  Samuel Cole

    5.  Oliver James

    6.  Corey Alexanderr

    7.  Zaine Tyler

  20. 1. Jackson Lewis

    2. Lachlan Joel

    3. CUlver Adrian Maybe Adrian Culver

    4. Samuel Cole

    5 . Isaac Levi

    6. COnnor Zetion

    7. Zetion Tyler

  21. 1. Caleb Nathaniel (Ethan Tyler and Jackson Lewis are too trendy.)

    2. Joel Lachlan (Lachlan sounds like a last name to me not a first.)

    3. Jared William (I definitely don't like Culver or Declan.)

    4. William Jake (Both are nice.)

    5. Oliver James (I like both of these too)

    6. Corey Alexander (I don't care for Zetion)

    7. Zaine Tyler (Definitely don't like Zeke or Zetion for first names)

  22. 1. Ethan Tyler

    2. Joel Lachlan

    3. Jared William

    4. William Jake

    5. Oliver James

    6. Connor Zetion

    7. Zaine Tyler

  23. Jackson Lewis

    Joel Lachlan

    Jared Williams

    Samuel Cole

    Isaac Levi

    Corey Alexander

    Zeke Tyler

  24. ethan tyler

    joel lachlan

    jared william

    samuel cole

    issac levi

    corey alexander

    zaine tyler

  25. 1. Jackson Lewis

    2. Joel Lachlan

    3. Declan Thomas

    4. Samuel Cole

    5. Oliver James

    6. Connor Zetion

    7. Zaine Tyler

    Nice names ^^

  26. Caleb Nathaniel

    Joel Lachlan

    Declan Thomas

    William Jake

    Oliver James

    Connor Zetion

    Zaine Tyler

  27. 1. Caleb Nathaniel - A handsome, classic name that flows really well.

    2. Lachlan Joel - I love the name Lachlan! The nickname Lockie is so cute. In addition, I chose this name because the L at the end of Joel runs into the L at the beginning of Lachlan. It makes the name Joel Lachlan sound a little bit awkward.

    3. Declan Thomas - Declan is such an eye-catching Irish name.

    4. William Jake - I'm not fond of nicknames used as full names (Jake instead of Jacob), but I'll make an exception because I love the name William. It's one of those timeless classics.

    5. Oliver James - I like both of the names you've listed here, but I think that Oliver James flows a bit better.

    6. Corey Alexander - I'm not a fan of the name Corey. In fact, I prefer the name Connor. However, I would use this name and call the kid Alexander. The name Corey Alexander flows better than Connor Zention.

    7. Zeke Tyler - I like the name Zeke as a nickname for Ezekiel. None of the names here really appeal to me.

  28. 1. Ethan Tyler OR Jackson Lewis OR Caleb Nathaniel (like Ethan Tyler)

    2.Joel Lachlan OR Lachlan Joel (not crazy about either of these)

    3. Culver Adrian OR Declan Thomas OR Jared William (like Jared)

    4. William Jake OR Samuel Cole (like Samuel)

    5. Oliver James OR Isaac Levi (Oliver James is ok)

    6. Connor Zetion (ZEE-SHAN) OR Corey Alexander (like Connor and Alexander)

    7. Zeke Tyler OR Zetion Tyler OR Zaine Tyler (love love love Zeke Tyler....but, because Zeke is my puppy's name)

  29. 1.Ethan Tyler

    2.Joel Lachlan

    3.Jared William

    4.Samuel Cole

    5.Oliver James

    6.Corey Alexander

    7.Zeke Tyler

  30. 1. Ethan Tyler

    2. Lachlan Joel

    3. Declan Thomas

    4. Samuel Cole

    5. Oliver James

    6. Corey Alexander

    7. Zetion Tyler I suppose.

  31. 1. Caleb Nathaniel

    2. Joel Lachlan

    3. Jared William. i like declan thomas, but kids will make fun of him and call him duckling.

    4. Samuel Cole

    5. I guess Isaac Levi, but i dont like levi as a name.

    6. Corey Alexander

    7. Zaine Tyler.
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