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does using baby oil really speed up tanning??about how long does it take???plz help;;im wayy 2 white!!!




  1. no dont use that. go to the store and get hawaiian tanning oil. it works in like 3 days. it depends how long u stay out in the sun. but i would try it if i were u. cause i tried it and it was the best tanning oil i eva used! good luck!=^) dont burn urself.

  2. I wish i knew..... even though im black my chest area and back is a lighter complexion than my face and i need a answer too but i would say go to a tanning salon and get a spray tan from a professional  

  3. Using baby oil to tan is really dangerous, especially if you're wayy white. you can get really bad burns and even sun poisoning. i made that mistake and ended up with 2nd degree burns. baby oil is still an oil like the kind you cook with. if you do decide to use it, only lay out for about 10 minutes and make sure you flip over. at least until you can figure out your tolerance.

    BE CAREFUL!!!!!!

  4. Okay.  Here iss the thing. Yes, Baby Oil can produce a quick tan, but if you are white, and i don't know how "white" you really are.. it may do nothing but give you a big bad burn.

    I am a manager at a tanning salon, and i can tell you from experiencee from what has walked in these doors, most of the people who use baby oil, get a bad burn.

    If i were you, I would just lay outside using SPF during the prime time of the sun 10-3

    or if you want faster results,go too your nearest tanning salon, whether you get spray tan, or use a tanning bed.. It is a lot safer then using Baby Oil in the Natural Sun.

    Hope this helps!


  5. yeah...i've had that really helps cuz the shininess attracts the sun

    Try not to get burnt!!! ;)


  6. do it at your own risk.

    its VERY dangerous.

    they were just talking about it on the view today

  7. Baby Oil = Burned skin

    Burned Skin = Skin cancer

    You get the picture. 5 sunburns in your whole lifetime and you are %75 more likely to get some type of skin cancer.

  8. baby oil = burn.
You're reading: BABY OIL=QUICK TAN????

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