
BABYSITTING! i NEEEED help desperately!?

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Okay, well I am 13 years old...and I babysit about five kids every Sunday night for a class. The rooms are used as classrooms, so I cant really do much in them. Also, the room that the class for the adults is in, is right next to the room where I watch the kids. I have somebody who is supposed to help me, but she can never make it. I am allowed to take them outside to play, but they get bored with that really easily. These kids are really rambunctious and hard to handle. There are two little girls that are probably about 5 or 6. There is one boy in 2nd grade, one in 3rd grade, and one in 5th grade. The two girls are always fighting over their dolls or crying. It is really hard to get them to stop. The third grade boy always teases one of the little girls, which is his sister. I really need help on what to do with them. I need something very fun, quiet and entertaining. I WILL choose a best answer. So thank you to everyone who takes the time to answer me!





  1. You could try an age appropriate board or card game (go fish, old maid, any game that ends in "junior") or try to make some more organized games outside (tag, a scavenger hunt etc) maybe if you have a paved area you could get some sidewalk chalk and draw or play hopscotch or 4 square.

    Ask the kids what the would like to do or what their favorite games are, you might be surprised that they can come up with some things on their own too.

    I would also talk to whoever is in charge of this class and ask that they find someone else who can actually show up every week to help you out because 5 kids can be a lot to handle on your own, especially if you are only 13!

  2. take some board games like monopoly. or take like monopoly for the older ones and like puzzles for the younger ones or something.

  3. How about reading a book.  If you choose the right book and read it well, they will be happy!  You might try a game like charades or hide and seek.

  4. You need to do more entertaining unfortunately.  These kids seem like they are bored.  

    How about asking them to each bring their favorite board game.  

    Make up a game....and get them all involved...treasure hunt, hide and seek, tag, I spy, hot potato, freeze dance

    Play a scavenger hunt * have them look for specific things, maybe time them to see how fast they can do it.  Let the 5th grader help with the rules or whatever...they may be a little old to play with the 5 year olds.  So make him/her feel important.

    Bring books, or arts and craft supplies...paper paint crayons, scissors etc...

    Just make sure you switch up activites every time.  This keeps it interesting and the kids will be more likely to get along and have fun, which will make the time you have with them go very quickly.  Good luck!

  5. WOW that sounds hard.. well.. number 1.

      1. keep the boys and girls at seperate ends of the rooms, this way they won't bother each other and DON"T let them be near each other.

       2. bring in another doll, or let them take turns playing with them.

       3. go online to find games, etc to do with them, or even read to them

    ******good luck<3

  6. bring a portable dvd player (and earphones witch yuo can plug in so the ppl next door r not angry about the noise)and a laptop so the girls can watch girly things and the boy watches boyie things  bribe them with chocolate bring you own old barbie dolls or buy the cheap ones for five dollers with bright yellow hair and a pink face

    good luck

  7. first do plan out really active games like red rover, red light green light, duck duck goose, outside then when you see them winding down  bring them inside let them eat a snack then hide a bunch of puzzle peices around the room but to a simple puzzle like a 25 peice then when they find all the peices help them put it together by the time the puzzle is done the class will be over .

    the reson why the puzzle is there is because puzzle forces kids not to fight but to make them work together  on finding pecies and putting it together

  8. You could try cute funny movies. Get a portable dvd player (if you dont have one) bring it in and let them pick out a special movie that they want to see. And make it fun, like one day the girls get to pick a movie and than the next the boys get to pick a movie, or you can go indvidual, like on Monday one of them could pick a movie, and than tues another could and so on... Or if you dont have a dvd player see where you watch them has a VCR or DVD. Than bring in snacks and stuff.. It would be fun! lol.

    I hope this helps! I know what your going thro lol. Good luck!

  9. play a game 4 corners i got this kit from borders on babysiting for my daughter and it really helped her its called babysitter's business kit american girl it includes

    handbook very helpful has tips from real babsitters

    kids favorite books and dvds sorted by age

    business cards

    award stickers

    parents checklist

    what we did list

    pencil play for kids

    i got it for $13.00

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