
BAC? alcoholic..?

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If someones estimated blood alcohol content (BAC) is .125, and they drink that amout of alcohol each night. And when they come home from work they immediatly start drinking (wine, not hard liquor) would you consider them an alcoholic? if so would you recommend AA meeting, is rehab too extreme? What type of alcoholic is this (heavy drinker, light drinker)?




  1. I would recommend an AA meeting.  If this is a daily occurance than this person is a functional alcoholic.  It may not always effect their personal life but it isn't healthy.  It could have a lot of negative long term effects on their body.

  2. I wouldn't say heavy drinking...but possibly alcoholic (no offense) I dont think its necessary for AA meetings unless you really want to stop and you cant. Heavy drinking to me is getting slammed every night. There is a point though that if you continue drinking EVERY night that your body will have to be at a certain BAC...sorta like a withdraw from drugs you will get shakes and stuff until you reach that point. But I think you have to really be a heavy drinker for that to happen. Good Luck

  3. Only if the drinking affects this person's life in a Negative way can someone be considered an alcoholic.  So if he has a steady job, good relationships, good health etc...then don't even worry about it.

  4. You decide:
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