
BAD virgin brordband!?

by  |  earlier

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I have virgin wireless broardband and can't get it to work! I have a PC running windows ME, 128MB ram, and a pentium III prosessor. I am using dial-up at the moment, so am paying 15p a min!!!!! To connect, I am using a NETGEAR WG111v3 USB 2.0 adaptor and a NETGEAR cable router. The connection cuts out after about a seccond of use (before obtaining the ip address).




  1. Where on earth are you getting 15 ppm from? You are only charged at normal phone rates and by the look of it you are using "pay as you go".

    The reason you can't get it to work is because you have to use the internal phone modem card inside your computer. It has to be a direct connection.

    Nothing else will work properly as you have found out.

    David P > Read the question. He's using dial up not broadband.

  2. You need a new computer as this one will not take virgin broadband. I have virgin have no problem. My computer has a 1.4gig prosser and 512 of ddr memory. Need about 256 of memory for it to work.

  3. Before you start dissing Virgin broadband, first make sure that you have all of your set up working.

    Windows ME is notorius for connection problems.

    I would suggest that you test your setup as follows:

    Connect the Virgin cable modem directy to your computer using an ethernet cable.

    Set your network connections to automaticl get ip and dns.

    Switch on the modem and wait until the lights are stable, as shown in the leaflet by virgin.

    Then open a browser and select the address shown in the leaflet. This will connect ane register your modem to your connection.

    After a few minutes, you should be able to access the internet.

    Your virgin connection is now working.

    Now to sort our your router etc.
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