
BAHRAIN: help me get a bahraini passport!! i've heared its easy to do it but i dono how!!! plZZZZZ, ?

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I have an issue. I'm Qatari and live in qatar and never go to any other place in my life. since im not free to do anything and go anywhere (according to the law of QATAR) i wish to to get (or even barrow :s) a Bahraini passport without living there 1st, is it passible?? cuz the problem is i cannot even go there or anywhere since im qatari and my parents wont ever allow me to chose where i want to live anmd i need their permit to travel which is impossible!!. it's unfair but this is the law here and i cannot live with it. i'm dead serious. i'd do whatever & pay whatever to move out :s pls anyone who knows anything about it can help me with atleast an advice?? i'd be thankful forever




  1. you have to be a citizen of a country before you can get a passport from that country so it is not possible to get a passport from Bahrain

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