

by  |  earlier

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hello, so i just got a little baby ball python today, and when i brought it home, its breathing was really really fast, and i kinda got worried. i had a cornsnake before and it never did that. is the fast breathing normal? or bad?




  1. i agree with the dude above me. every time i get a new snake (i have 12) i leave them alone at least 5 or so days before i mess with em,

  2. it was probably excited thats all. new environment, new owner. give it time to adjust to its new surroundings.

  3. It was stressed out do the fact that it is adjusting to a totally new environment. It is very important that you not handle the python for AT LEAST one week, preferrably two. This will allow the snake to adjust to its new environment and will encourage it to eat when it's feeding time (Balls can be very picky eaters)  

  4. Its most likely from the stress of being moved around, don't worry about it too much.

  5. It is probably from the stress of handling it  and the new environment. Do not handle it until it has eaten its first meal. Make sure you have accurate digital thermometers with the correct temps and humidity levels .Do not try to feed it for a week, then if he does not eat wait 3-4 days before trying gain. feed only thawed frozen mice that are the appropriate size for him. They have small necks . Feed a mouse the that is slightly smaller than  the largest girth of your snake , no larger .Do not handle him for 24-36 hours after he has eaten so he does not regurgitate his meal.

    Have two identical hides one at each end of the enclosure to provide security. they like to move around undetected. They are some what shy .

    If he continues to breath heavy after a day or two with no handling then I would watch for signs of a respiratory infection. moisture from the nose, or holding open the mouth . You should not be able to hear your snake breathing if he is held up to your ear .

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