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okay well im 13 and soon to be taking ballet

i called arounf and found a teen-beginner class

but iwas wondering if i should start from the bottom and work my way up

like taking a class with 4 year olds

i truthfully am not embarrased! i dont care and there fun anyway =]

but should i learn like that or just do the teen beginner




  1. I would do teen beginner. I started off dancing when I was three. In teen beginner you would learn more, faster, because your mind is able to understand the concepts and remember them. It's a little old to begin, but it's never too late to start! If it's possible some private lessons with the teacher could be an awesome advantage and help you get the basics down cold, then you could learn even more.

  2. okay pleaseeee dont go to a four yearold  classs......PLEASE

    you wont learn anything and itll be really boring, not because theryer little girls doing it but because they dont teach you much there. it more like teaching you how to point you feet which its stuff a 10 year old girl will learn in a minute they start off with the very basics which you can learn in like aweek rather than anyear with a beginner class. so dont.

    i started ballet at 13 too(im 14 now )

    but i started at a grade 5 level (in a RAD sylabus- which is a syllbus most dance studios follow.)witch is your age level.

    theyll tech you much more and itll be better for you youll learn quicker in a grade 4,5,6 class.

    another thing is that if you start at the start of the year itll be easier for you to learn the excersises with the whole class rathere that if you start in the middle of term youll have to copy everyoen else doing the excersises.but thats not  that bad because youll learn it quickley.

    i started at grade 5 class at 13  :)

    p.s. soz 4 the spelling . im typing really fast. :)

  3. If the teen beginner class is other people your age that have never danced before then it would be better for you to do that than to be with younger kids. A lot of ballet has to do with the muscles and different parts of the body, this isnt going to be explained in the 4 yr old class because they would not understand it. + you are more developed than them. You should get the basics in the beginner class youre in.

  4. It may be easier for you to learn at the teen-beginner level. In a class with four year olds, progression will be slow, terminology will be disreguarded, and you will most likely be out of place. I'd go with the teen beginner, but if you really want to gauge correctly, try both the first week! Have fun and good luck :)

  5. You will progress faster if you start with a class that is appropriate to your level, rather than starting in with a bunch of people who are more advanced. I would say to start in the teen class, which will be more physically challenging then a class for four year olds with no motor skills, and more comfortable for you, as you won't be the odd one out.

  6. why would you learn with four year olds if theres a teen beginners class?

  7. Do the teen beginner class because everyone in there will be in their beginning stages of ballet so you won't be alone. Besides, teen beginner classes often move at a quicker speed and you learn more advance techniques. The little kid's beginner class is mostly trying to get them to do very simple moves such as tandu and plie while in teen beginner classes you will learn to do battemen, balance, changement, fondu, and utilize all of them in chains so that you'll be learning dance-like moves. In other words, the teen beg classes are meant for teens that have little to no background in dance or ballet more specifically. You will learn a lot more in there and achieve more than if you were to learn in the kids beg class.  

    Also, if the school is focused on having a show performance at the end of year, you would feel sort of silly standing around kids that are 3ft tall.  

  8. if you wanna start from the beginning, but don't wanna be embarrassed by being in a beginners class's, there are ways of teaching yourself the basics, so you can enter a class and not be embarrassed.    

  9. you realize you wouldn't be starting with the four year olds if you started at the beginning? It would more likely be 10-11 year olds, maybe even 12 year olds, depending on which studio you choose. Four year olds don't even really do "real ballet." It's too dangerous for their bodies, as they can't yet support the rigors of ballet. More serious training is taken at 9-10 years old, being eased into it at ages 7-8. 4 year olds are learning to run on tippy toes, flap their arms like fairies, and pretty much first position of the feet, maybe making diamonds using plies.

    So you wouldn't be starting with the four year olds!

  10. well, i  would start in the class with 4-year olds...if your TOTALLY ok with it. At most dance studios if they see your more advanced, (WITCH IM SURE U R) they will move you up to the proper class.  Then you ccan get the basics down for when you start the higher class  

  11. well when i started ballet i signed up for the wrong class and it was the class with 7-9 year olds so the teacher watched me during the whole class to see how good i was in dancing and she said i had natural talent and put me in the pro ballet class

  12. Start with the teen beginning.  As a dancer teacher, I can tell you they were made for people just like you.  

    In the very unlikely case that you can't keep up, just talk to the instructor as see if she/he can recommend another class at your level.  More people start ballet at 13 than you'd think.

  13. Even if you are not the least bit embarrassed, I would not suggest joining a class geared toward 4-yr-olds, for several reasons:  

    1) It takes them longer to get things.  Very likely you will be able to pick things up much more quickly at your age, esp. if you have done another kind of dance or a sport before.

    2) If the majority of the class is 4-yr-olds, likely the whole atmosphere will be geared toward them.  

    3) Even if you are not embarrassed now, chances are you'll sustain some teasing from your friends, and other people your age.

    If there is a beginner class specifically for teenagers, wonderful!  Go for it! What do you think it's there for, anyway?  I can almost guarantee you'll have a better time and learn more.

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