
BANKRUPTCY: Florida ( advise needed)

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I am a married women and I solely own my own business in Florida.

My questions are:

If I claim bankruptcy must my husband do the same?

My mother-in-law may move in with us and she wants to give to us monthly her social security and pension checks for her support, etc., can this effect my filing for bankruptcy?

I am aware that if I do file for bankruptcy I must also file same for my company and that I may not use any credit cards 3 months prior to filing.

I am not trying to do this without an attorney, but just gathering advise and input before I make a decision.

Thank you all for your help.




  1. You can request a FREE Bankruptcy case evaluation with a local attorney at

  2. he is not required to file with you, but any debts he is signed on to with you will not be discharged in the bk as he is still a signer on and liable for payment. Any thing you mother in law does after filing is fine

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