
BAR FIGHT WHO IS LIABLE?The fight,mutual combat,not initiated by me. I was kickd out & thought they had been 2

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When I was removed because of the fight I ended up leaving my cellphone and car keys behind and asked the security officer to allow me to come back in to retrieve the items and he did.

As I was halfway down the hallway I was met not only by the person I had already had an altercation w/ but an group of people that jumped me and I was stabbed.

The security officer that let me back in came running down grabbed me and physically tossed me out of the door. I tried to get them to call for help, the police and ambulance, for me but they refused was standing there bleeding losing blood and I don't believe they noticed but would not let me explain and told me to go away. In the meantime the valet allowed me to use its phone and call for help outside, and as I was on the phone the group of people came and jumped on me again.

Bystanders scared them off. The




  1. You, perhaps, want someone to tell you that the establishment is responsible for .....(?).   It is unfortunate you were injured but hope you've learned a few lessons.   Going out on your own, to drink at a bar, isn't particularly wise.  If you wish to go out for a few drinks, bring some friends, keep your lips buttoned and mind your own business. It's a better idea to invite friends to your home where the safety factor is obvious.  

    Think that bar should be off your list and you should consider yourself fortunate that you didn't suffer a fatal injury.

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