
BARACK OBAMA's speech was INCREDIBLE, from a scale from 1 to 10, how do you RATE it ?

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I sure would like to know the answer to this question. Last night we

saw a historical moment that no one will ever forget. There he was

in front of 80,000 people at The Denver Broncos stadium. The shot

from the top of the field was amazing, with all the cameras flashing.

It looked like Wrestlemania ! Barack Obama is a great man, who

will make us as American citizens even greater. He laid down the

law about his substantial policies. And some of you still don't get it.

It is because you don't want to. The Democrats are gonna walk right

into the White House. This GOP rhetoric will not stand a chance

against the American resolve. Which is that we are all in this together.

And Obama made that clear last night. Our time has come. Now

how on Earth can the Republican Party top that ? 10,000 seats not

filled to capacity just yet in Dayton Ohio. Gimme a break. Let your

pride go GOPer's. The game is over. How do you rate Obama's

speech on last night ? ON a scale from 1 to 10.




  1. I'd give it a 3.  

    Yeah it inspired the crowd, but the crowd was all left leaned democrats.  They'd cheer like that if he just said "VOTE FOR ME" and left.  

    He added a lot more content in it then his other speeches, but most of it seems to be contradictory.  How are you going to make free high quality health care for everyone, and cut taxes for families, and raise taxes for business, and keep jobs from being outsourced?  How can you say you are ready to not only debate, but win, if you weren't ready to do so a month ago?  How are you going to invest billions in alternative energy if you have to pay back the national debt AND lower taxes?  

    Just a bunch of empty promises we've all heard before.

  2. Inconclusive.  All of it won't matter if he does not back it up.  Obama threw a punch, and a very good one at that.  But now, after a speech of that magnitude, there is a lot he has to do in order to bring that "change" he proclaimed last night.  He has to follow through with some strong campaigning and continuing to thwart that "celeb" bash on him.  Also, he has to now, 100% stick to his guns.  No flip flopping and no more big blunders.  If he does...I'll give him a 10.  If not, a 1.

  3. I'd give it an 8.  It was a d**n fine speech and he addressed the major points head on.  However, to say he spelled everything out would be going to far.  For all his lofty speech I still don't know the mechanics of how we'll be independent from gasoline in 10 years or specifics on how's he's going to build common sense bridges over issues like gun control and abortion which have frustrated lawmakers for decades.

    Still, a good start.  We'll see if he can back it up under McCain's scrutiny in the debates.

  4. Didnt see it, thank our God!  So the little pretty boy can talk or I should say read a pre written script done by his over paid writers, a good talk but he probably didnt say where hes going to get all this money to support his ideas, or that maybe the funds may come from the Middle East comrades in exchange for future power. As a US vet/POW, I definitely wont fight  for this idiot but will for the USA and the American people. He will change America alright, by completely eliminating it for Allah. Washington isnt broke, its just run by a bunch of egotistical idiots who shouldnt be there and each needs to be held accountable for their actions, which will never happen ad Obama is one of them

  5. Why are you comparing the DNC to a single rally???   Compare apples to apples if you must and look ate the amount of people at the republican convention.  Or was that too difficult to think of?  

    I give his speech a 4...   He said the same things he has been saying yet offered NO solutions to the problems he states.

  6. Well...... he did say the word CHANGE a lot

    I'll give him a 1-1/2

  7. 10, 10, 10

    that speech was amazing. Wow Obama is awesome and no I'm not a zombie i truly believe he is the one for this country. It was a great environment and the speech was terrific. i loved how he said he's not here for himself, but for the ppll, and i could probably list about 100 more things i loved about his speech, especially the end when he was with his family..i teared 50% of the speech

    OBAMA - BIDEN  08 BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. are so right...all hollywood magic...just like your candidate.

  9. 2.

    His speech had no substance. I can't believe people actually cried over him. 80,000 zombies in there and majority of them believing what he was saying. It came to mind of a t-shirt I saw months ago and it stated, "Hitler gave great speeches to," and it had a picture of Obama.

    It's going to be funny seeing McCain's speech, "bomb-bomb-bomb Iran" and "Let's talk to the President of Germany Vladimir Putin."

    Obama basically just stated the same thing non-stop "Republicans bad. I'm good. Believe my lies." That's about it. I wish people would stop believing these Machiavellian-types.

  10. Perfect 10,  outstanding.

  11. 10 for the flash and glitter -10 for honest substance. Besides who besides you are even talking about Obamas speech anymore. I noticed that after the announcement of a McCain / Palin ticket, Obamabots scrambled to the Internet to start the propaganda smears of Palin. They know they just lost the election. how sad for them.

  12. 4. It sounded fine, but the HOW TO was missing. Sounded like every other Dem speech promising "Changes"

  13. All his speeches are the same.Now that McCain makes me laugh

  14. 10 on fanfare, 1 on substance. As usual. The only reason he "needed" 80,000 was so he could o****m on stage. What else could possibly be the point? It reeked of egotism and if McCain pulled something like that I simply wouldn't vote for either one.

  15. The last time a democrat had such a resounding stadium speech he had to steal the election. Superstar status does not win you the white house.  

  16. 1. Just more liberal lies and misinformation.

  17. 0 - He didn't prove anything, but that he can talk a lot of c**p with NOTHING to back it up!

  18. and how many times did he say Thank you?  I think like a thousand.   LOL    Obama is NOT trustworthy-research him.......find out for yourself the Truth.......

  19. He hit it outta the park!

  20. Turn on the news and you will see how they are countering it. Not a single channel talking about Obama today. His speech is yesterday's news.

  21. The execution of presidential power IS presentation.  Thats how it happens.  It isn't so much about policy wonkery.  Its about unifying rhetoric.  That's what causes change.

  22. I'd rate it 0...same old BS, false promises and egoism

  23. McAIN ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  24. 30

  25. Presentation......9


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