

by Peace Ekumah  |  9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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 Tags: basic, event, organize, steps



  1. Guest45314

    Organization is one thing. Organizing an event is another. To organize the perfect event one has to know the basic steps to do so and here they are:


    I. For every event you are organizing, this is the most important. This team is what makes your event a success, the wrong team, a failure. In every team there is the; Overrall head, the planning group, the finance, food, entertainment , publicity and logistics (this means the man power, packaging and distribution). With this team, you then lay out the plans of the event, what you want it to be, how you want it to look, and the type of attention you want it to recieve.

    II. Depending on the type of event, if you want sponsors and patrons to attend, now is the time to send letters inviting them to the event. With the help of your team, draft letters indicating the purpose of your event and why you need their  support and their presence, be sure to do this months before the event so as to give your sponsors or patrons time to think of your proposal and to render support and to adjust for the program. For example; if the program is scheduled for August 8th 2015, send out your letters in April15th. In some cases the earlier the better. If you don't need sponsors  just go ahead with the Invitation, either way, do it early.

    III. You and your team should start collecting funds for the program, preparing the venue, catering for the food arrangements, and planning the entertainments be it singing, acting or a spoken word performance; make sure "your people" are ready and everything is alright. The earlier this preparations, the better. 

    IV. Ensure the various teams that will attend to the guest when they arrive, a team for the serving of the food, a team for the decoration of the venue, a team for the technical department. Depending on your event,there should be various people stationed fufilling various responsibilities.

    V. Draft the event's program, from the time it starts to the end, and ensure it starts on time and finishes on time, allow a little time for delays(just in case) its important to be time conscious so your guests won't get hungry.


    Ensure that it starts on time, also that every program on the list  goes accordingly and everyone is prepared,every department head should have a list to know whats next (no last minutes turn ups to prevent disorganization) and also that the food is served on time. When the event has ended, you and your team can re-arrange the place and keep it in order before leaving.

    These are the basic steps to organizing an event.



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Peace Ekumah


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