
BB 10 do you think you would make a good houseguest? why?

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i feel that this season about 5 of the houseguest are bland and boring to watch

memphis-he getting a little more interesting but not much


michelle- was obnoxious

april- mean/boring


do you think you would make a good houseguest? i deff. think i would make this season a lot better. hopefully when i'm old enough they will still have the show!




  1. I would like to think I would make a good houseguest on BB but I'm awfully set in my ways and even though I'd be playing for 500k, I'm not sure I could leave all my little daily rituals behind that I've developed over the last 40ish years. That being said, I could so do BB over something like Survivor. The first time an eight-legged creature that is ticked off because I invaded their space crawled on me, or a rat.......I'd die! On the spot....

    As for the current houseguests on BB....I think they're all unique in their own way and each one has brought something of themselves to the show that has had us watching every show, right? I mean we tune in for all the drama and complain what an annoying twit this person is, or that person was before they were evicted...but yet, we still watch and want this or that person which is it? Do we want to watch or do we want to label them as boring, annoying or mean?

    Thats the best part of TV really....IMO...if someone doesn't like it, they can just turn it off or change the channel and never give it a second thought. Out of all this seasons HGs....I found April the most annoying/obnoxious/mean....and so far, Dan is the most interesting b/c he definitely is keeping the drama stirred up....JMHO :)

  2. OMG being on bb is like my dream and i think i could totally bring some life to the house. I happen to love Keesha but i loved it when april libra and Keesha would fight because it was funny. But i just hope that bb will still be going when i get to be old enough. Keesha till the end, oh yeah!!!!

  3. First off I have to say this to Lydia, Old people are boring? Jerry served this country as a US MARINE, as I have also, If you had a clue as to what this man has done to give you the freedoms you have, you would not call him boring, He's 75 years old! served in 2 wars for you, and still kicking, what have you done for your country? at your age I'm sure not much. so don't call him boring!!!!! Us old people have served honorably for your rights!!!! When you go to sleep at night, thank people like Jerry. Anyway, now I've vented, I'll answer the question, I wouldn't make a good houseguest, because I have a life, and have to much going on, you need to look at yourself and have bigger dreams than being on a dum TV show!!!  Good Luck

  4. Yeah i think i would because unlike some i actually have a personality .. there was only ment to be 10 in each country but yeah a hope they keep them goin too .. xx

  5. April, Michelle and Libra were awful together, they were the nasty girls in high school.

    I like Keesha much better after she broke with the group

    I would say, I thought the best house guess left early(brain, Steven and Angie).  This house, in a whole was most likely the worst BB house, in the ten years

    From BB9, they needed to get more of an age different, and not everyone pretty.  There are interesting people, not crazy you could of when with.  Jerry is two old.  No fun to watch a old person on TV

    Renny, I think her, because she is nuts, unfortunately the most interesting person in the House, yes a bit annoying-but crazy

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