
BB Gun/Air Rifle Question?

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Famas Softair Spring Powered BB Gun - $29.83

Crossman Stringer P9 Air Soft Pistol Kit - $17.47

1. Are either of these guns good for a beginner?

2. Are they good for their prices?

3. Are they both Air soft?

4. The Famas says that that it is a BB gun... can I put the regular air soft bullets in them?

5. If plastic air soft bullets work, will it effect the flight pattern, accuracy, the gun, or anything in any way possible?

6. Spring mechanism or electric?





  1. Calling it a "BB gun" is the result of idiots typing the details.

    Both are good for beginners, but I recommend the Famas. And an actual BB gun usually fires .177 mm copper coated spheres and/or .177mm lead pellets.

    An Airsoft gun usually fires a .6 mm plastic sphere. And by usually I mean 99% of the time. If it fires a different caliber it would say so in the description.

    If you are just looking to try out Airsoft I recommend a Spring mechanism, it requires a LOT less work and maintainance.

    If you are looking to have "wars" with friends then I recommend an electric gun, but if you get one of those be sure you don't fire it in fully automatic for more than a second or two to extend the life of the gears.

    If you are looking to go to an Airsoft FIELD, you are going to want a much higher quality, as usually only hardcore players go to the fields, bringing with them tactical vests, a Primary weapon, a sidearm, extra magazines, camo fatigues, and sometimes more.

    Have fun and if you get curious, yes, it does hurt to shoot yourself with one. When I had my first airsoft gun I wondered if it hurt so I shot myself in the theigh...not the smartest thing to do. Hah

  2. I was asking myself the same questions a few months back about air rifles and stumbled upon the website, they have a lot of history about bb guns and they have some models listed I even think they have some links to bb gun makers. It would'nt hurt to check they out for advice.

  3. guns are tools and my point of view of a good tool is you get what you pay for. Buy it cheap use it once buy quality and it will be something you pass down.

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