
BB: Mario proposal, cheesy or cute?

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I'm gonna go for cheesy.




  1. I think that Lisa will be mortified but will think that she needs to say yes for the cameras. This reminds me of those problem shows on telly, Jeremy Kyle, Jerry Springer, Montell Williams. If somebody wanted to propose to thier loved one, they surely don't need to do it on national TV.. Mario has already had the reality bug when he appeared on that show about Brits in American prisons. If he was really serious about marrying Lisa, he would wait until she had done her stint in the house and ask her in private...He's looking for the News of The World "exclusive" interview....

  2. Total mature Cheddar this!

    His way of getting back into the house for a few more minutes of fame and a grand or ten and for Divina to buy a fecking hat as well as to get the faltering viewing figures up for BBLB!

    A total frigging con!

  3. Oh definitely cheesy, but in a cute way. Sara or Lisa to win.

  4. neither just fame hungry!

  5. haha cheesy AND cute =]  

  6. I think cute,not denying they are both really cheesy but l love them as a couple!

  7. Very cheesy, cheesier than Mikey's feet (and I think that pretty cheesy as he's not the cleanest of people)

  8. cheesy - I wonder if he would have done it if it were not for BB pushing him into it for the raitings

  9. BB threw money at Mario to do this proposal near the end of BB.  Why has that idiot taken until now to propose to Lisa?  He can shove his Christmas cracker ring where the sun don't shine.

  10. cute!!

  11. Hirarious!

  12. totally fake.

  13. I reckon it's cheesier than Mr Cheese frome Cheeseville... however, keeps us all interested.  It is so obvious it is going to be a 'yes' from Lisa, but how brilliant would it be (viewing wise) if she said 'No'..... in her monotone Creature Comfort voice!


  14. Oh so cheesy. Come on. She's only in there for another 2 weeks at the most but he wants to do it in front of the nation so he gets an even bigger fan club!!

  15. cheesy Defoe TV stunt cos i think he knows Lisa will win shes well to good for him that's for sure

  16. *Cough* Marios an attention w***e *Cough*

  17. cute, he wanted to and told bb officials that he wanted to and they made him do that thing with steph which ruined it, he said in heat magazine.

  18. He planned to do it while in the house but it was ruined when they had a wedding nows hes chance( cute )

  19. totally  cheesey   if he  wanted to marry her  he  would have  done  it years ago  its  all   about the £££   it  will be funny  to watch though  

  20. cheesier than a mouses larder......

  21. Could be cute, but we'll have to wait and see!

  22. what proposal? is he going to propose? What did i miss??

  23. cheesy but cute

  24. gag..

  25. Cheesey

    Pure, Mature, cheddarf*cking cheese!

    He will do anything to get on tv.

    He needs to get it into his f*cking head that we hate him

  26. Cheesier than a cheese factory in Cheeseland.

    It's a sick-making idea.

    Just Mario trying to get attention back on to him. Hope Lisa says NO.

  27. Cheesy definitely. But cute.

    I'm happy for Lisa she really deserves something nice it seems like she's missed out on all the prizes and treats while being in the house!

  28. I think that its lovely...something they will both remember!

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