
BB-US: Did you think Renny made the right decision on her nominations?

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I know that POV has already been played, and I know who won, but I won't spoil it. My point is that Renny, at the time of her nominations, obviously didn't know how the POV would turn out, and she left a glaring loophole that April could slip through. By not nominating Ollie alongside April, Renny allowed the possibility of Ollie winning POV and using it on April, thus forcing Renny to nominate Dan, Memphis, Michelle, or Keesha (I think it would have been Memphis).

I do understand Renny's reasons for nominating Jerry, and honestly I'd love to see his mean a** out of there, but assuming April was her main target, Renny played a dangerous game there. No guarantee that Jerry would be evicted (still likely, but not guaranteed).

Maybe she hoped that Ollie would not be chosen to play in the POV comp, but with only 8 people in the house, the odds that Ollie would play were high (only 2 sat out).

What do you think? Try not to spoil it for others, just tell me what you think of Renny's choice, AT THE TIME SHE MADE IT.




  1. I think Renny made a good decision.  She had to put up someone from the other "side" of the house, so either Ollie, April, Michelle or Jerry.  Jerry has gotten into a fight with just about everyone in the house, so Jerry was a good nomination.  April is also getting on people's nerves, so April is also a good nomination.  I know who won the POV too, and I don't think it will be used.  

    If Jerry is evicted, then that is good because he is a strong player and could win HOH again.  April probably will not win again (I have never seen the same person win HOH twice within a few weeks).  I hope that Dan wins the HOH competition, and the entire game!

  2. It was foolish of her not to put up Ollie with April.  Thank you for not spoiling the POV competition as I haven't seen it yet.  If Ollie or April wins POV then they she will be forced to put up one of her allies(or Michelle) and that is a dangerous situation.

  3. I too know who won POV, no spoiler here!

    Renny has three targets right now, Jerry, April and Memphis. Why Memphis? Keesha, her partner and best friend in the house, is "taken" with Memphis and Renny couldn't risk losing that friendship with Keesha. Even though it looks as though the house is divided, Jerry would flip if it was advantageous for him.

    With that, I think Renny was actually hoping to have Ollie win the POV, take April off and put up Memphis along side Jerry. She would then go to Dan (her house son) and Michelle (who respects her) telling them they owe her for not putting them up to begin with, secure their votes to boot Memphis, then of course Ollie and Arpil would vote out Memphis, leaving just Keesha to convince, knowing Keesha was responsible for the whole Jessie thing she knows she has to watch her back even if she is her best friend in the house. 4-1 or 5-0, that seems to be the rage this season, having a unanimous eviction. Leaving someone else to take out the house couple, with still plenty of time left for that.  

    Renny would still have Keesha, Michelle and Dan - 4

    Jerry, Ollie and April - 3

    She'd still have the majority of the house and Ollie in her pocket later.

    Even if there is a loop hole, she has it covered.

    Tough cookie that one, the only thing she has to be careful of is her alliance with that Keesha.

    April thinks she can take Renny in physical, so she would target Keesha and Memphis.

    Ollie owes her for not putting him up to begin with.

    Everyone else is obsessed with taking out the couple, April and Ollie so that would make her safe regardless.


    But do you think the POV will be used....hmmmm???

  4. Renny's decision was a good plan B but she should have put up April and Ollie. It makes sense to get rid of one of the people who are voting as a solid block no matter what happens in the house. Even if one of them got the POV the other and Jerry would still be on the block. I find that people while playing the game forget the lessons of those who played before them - most importantly that you have to get people out while you can or else it will come back to bite you.

    The best kept alliance ever was Danielle and Jason from season 3. They almost pulled it off and no one suspected it. They came in 2nd and 3rd.

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