I know that POV has already been played, and I know who won, but I won't spoil it. My point is that Renny, at the time of her nominations, obviously didn't know how the POV would turn out, and she left a glaring loophole that April could slip through. By not nominating Ollie alongside April, Renny allowed the possibility of Ollie winning POV and using it on April, thus forcing Renny to nominate Dan, Memphis, Michelle, or Keesha (I think it would have been Memphis).
I do understand Renny's reasons for nominating Jerry, and honestly I'd love to see his mean a** out of there, but assuming April was her main target, Renny played a dangerous game there. No guarantee that Jerry would be evicted (still likely, but not guaranteed).
Maybe she hoped that Ollie would not be chosen to play in the POV comp, but with only 8 people in the house, the odds that Ollie would play were high (only 2 sat out).
What do you think? Try not to spoil it for others, just tell me what you think of Renny's choice, AT THE TIME SHE MADE IT.