
BB-US: Do you think Dan outthinks himself sometimes?

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I like Dan, and I think he's a smart player, but that whole deal of "POV Roulette" was just plain silly. I don't think it got people in the house any more worked up than they already were -- everybody already knows that Ollie & Michelle are on one side and Keesha & Renny are on the other, plus Dan basically told each of them whose name to say. I also don't think the other players see Dan as "weak" anymore, but he keeps trying to play that up.

What do you think of Dan's ploy, and how do you think the votes will go this week?

[An endless source of entertainment: Y/A suggested that this question should go under Mythology and Folklore.]




  1. Yes, he should not of done that

    He got Renny mad at him, and Renny is crazy

    If Renny wins HOH, god only know what she will to, if she does not have time for Keesha to talk to her, what is then best for the in the long run

    He was trying to share the blow, it just made Renny mad at him

  2. It does seem that he over thought that one, but it's strange how things play out in that environment.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

    I'm pulling for him at this point.

  3. I thought it was funny but, very stupid.  He is not one of my favorite players.  I hope they go ahead and get Jerry out and let his little scheme backfire on him.  

  4. i really like dan but i think he would have been better off back dooring ollie this week, regardless of their "deal".  ollie is going to go after him full force now.  i really hope they're smart enough to send michelle home.  i'm really tired of her rants and foul mouth (even though jerry isn't much better).  

  5. YES!  That stunt was ridiculous last night, everyone knew it was a set up, and I think the only thing it accomplished was making his own alliance members feel manipulated.  Ollie and Michelle were going to be extremely mad regardless.  The distraction did not work.  That said, I still do like Dan, but he's got a little bit of the "puppet master" attitude going on this week, and I don't think he's really cool enough for that.  His cheesiness is part of his charm, don't try to go all tough on us Dan.  

    As for the second question, I think Michelle is out the door.  We'll see who else is right behind her after HOH!

  6. I actually think Dan is playing the game strategically very smart.  He is one of my favorite players.  I think Michelle will go out this week, as the alliance will all stick together.  

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