
BB....What a c**p proposal?

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Don't you think?




  1. i thought with all the  hype   all it ,  he was going to  go into the  house it was like the scene out of the  film  Love  Actually    it was  okay but nothing  special

  2. Yeah....he put more effort in with Steph lol

    Just about sums up BB this year low budget with no imagination

  3. They couldn't even be original......nicked the idea from Love Actually !!

  4. i totally agree it could of been done better,i was going to say just as bluebell as said,shes spot on hun.;-)

  5. yep!

  6. Yes, I was really disappointed.

  7. Fortunately more important things(paint was drying) were happening so I missed it!

  8. im not sure if lisa knew coz she was in the chair opposite the window and she didnt seem that suprised to be honest! maybe b4 he left he told her he would be doing it?

  9. They should have have let her out to be with him and he should have done the down on one knee thing.

    Felt sorry for the pair of them really.

  10. That's exactly what i said. But i wasn't sure if it was bad or not, i wanted a woman's opinion

  11. I thought it was beautiful and inspirational.  This is exactly the way future generations need to go about their proposals.  In fact, i'm going to divorce my wife and drop my two girl friends and start anew so i can propose just the same way!  Anyone want to adopt a set of kids, 2 dogs, and a parakeet i'll no longer be needing?

  12. I wish they had let her out - but I did like the way it was done with the cards

  13. A huge anti climax Afro!  Poor girl - who wants a crappy proposal like that - he didn't even get to put the firigging ring on her finger ffs!!  I would have thought he could have entered the house or she could have been called to the diary room.   I would feel cheated if I were her and she didn't even get to touch him let alone kiss him.

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