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Who is going home tonight? Dan is really playing the game, but he is starting to get on my nerves because he really thinks he will win




  1. Michelle for sure, theres no way she can talk the rest of people out of it so i hope she fights and makes it very very entertaining, :)

    2nd person is hopefully Memphis, He's got to go!


  2. i think michelle will go home first and then i hope it's ollie next!!!

  3. Michelle first that is a given. But the next one will be tricky. Who knows it might be Jerry, he is riding on everyones Coat tail.

  4. Probably Michelle but i hope ollie wins HOH gets rid of Keesha I hate her  love renny but keesha is as fake as the come!!

  5. Michelle

    If Keesha or Memphis wins HOH, Jerry and Ollie will go up, and Ollie will leave if he does not win POV, then Jerry

    If Jerry or Ollie, they plan to put up Keesha and Memphis, and get Memphis.  The assume neither will win POV, or someone who would take them off.  Memphis, Keesha or Dan, I would guess

    If Renny wins HOH, god knows who she will put up

  6. I too think Michelle and Ollie (if he doesn't win HOH) will be the ones to go tonight.

  7. Michelle and I think Dan will go unless Ollie really the rest of the house guest  

  8. michelle and jerry  

  9. 1st ~ Michelle

    2nd ~ Memphis or Ollie

    . . . based on the fact Jerry would put up Memphis.  These will be short HOH questions, True/False, A B or C . .  etc.  Since Ollie only started playing last week he will not understand half of the questions, much less the answers.  

    I just want Michelle gone because her crying and pretending she doesn't know "why" is ridiculous. That's what the Back Door is all about girl!  Don't trip on your way out .................

  10. Michelle will go first, the next person depends on how it is decided.  My blind guess will be Ollie or Dan.

  11. I think Michelle's days in the house are over tonight.  I hope that Memphis will win, keeping Dan, Keesha and Renny safe...but that all depends on who wins tonights HOH.
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