
BB10 USA, So who do you think the NEW HOH will put on the Block...? Spoiler?

by Guest33019  |  earlier

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Well it looks like JERRY is the new HOH.

The celebrating came to an end QUICKLY in the BB House after that happened.LOL

Keesha, Memphis,Renny and Dan were not happy campers when Jerry won HOH AT ALL !

Just when they thought they had a clear shot at the final 4 , Wham !

BB strikes again !

Who do you think he is gonna put on the block ?




  1. spoiler: nominations and POV winner!

    ok, so he put up dan and keesha. I wanted dan to win but Memphis won instead. At this point he plans on using it on Dan. :) As long as Dan is safe this week I'm happy. The plan so far is to vote out Renny.

    spoilers from:

  2. Jerry put up Keesha and Dan, after telling Keesha that she was only a pawn and he really wanted the "Judas" Dan out.

    Jerry also made a deal with Memphis to go to the F2 with him.

    Memphis and Dan had an interesting tactical discussion before Memphis met with Jerry, in which Memphis would tell Jerry how p*ssed he was Dan put him on the block and there was no trusting Dan anymore.

    So, we aren't sure which Memphis is the true one.  Will he stick with Dan to be F2 or switch to Jerry?  He agreed to two plans, only one works.

    The big question is IF the Renegades are still in tact and Memphis wins POV, will he take Dan off the block?  Taking Dan off the block would be a signal to all that their alliance is still on and he backstabbed Jerry.  So Jerry would put Memphis up and easy to vote him out as the tie-breaker (Reeny votes to evict Memphis, Dan to evict Keesha.)

    So Memphis could s***w himself if he does win and takes Dan off the block.  Looks like the only way Dan stays in the house is if Dan wins POV for himself.  At that point, Jerry would have no hint that the D-M alliance is still on and would put Renny up instead of Memphis and she would be voted out.

    Dan also has a fake PV medal he made.  Wonder if he will use it in some ingenious way if he doesn't win POV.

  3. I think he will put up Memphis and Dan. But, Jerry really seems like a wild card. I wouldn't be surprised with anyone that put up.

  4. He had Keesha promise not to keep dan, and he will put up Dan and Renny, one from each group

    Keesha cry and told Renny

    Renny convinced him that Renny was more likely to vote Dan out, that she was the outsider of the group.  She basically threw Keesha under the bus

    Renny promise to vote for Dan, and Return she would not be put on the block if Dan won POV

    If Memphis wins POV, and take one off, Renny will have to go on the block

    They do not think Memphis will use the POV on Dan or Keesha

    I think he would use it on either, because the three want to be final three.  Memphis wins, he will take one off, Renny leaves, then Jerry leaves next week-so the miss calculated that

    Tomorrow, we will know if Jerry and Renny plan will play out

  5. I think he'll most likely put up Dan and Memphis and if one of them wins POV, he'll probably put up Renny just because she put him up when she was HOH.






    Jerry actually put Dan and Keesha on the block.

  6. Oh wow i'm shocked Jerry wont HOH.  I know for sure he would put Dan up because he knows what Dan is up to.  Really even if Dan makes it to the final 2 there is no way the jury house is going to vote for him to win the money.  Out of all the people who will be on the jury i don't see even one voting for him unlessss they actually realize that Dan has played the game the best...but we all know that emotions and anger and hurt with take over rational thinking.  Memphis or Renny will probably win the money because they have the least amount of enemies...but really i say Renny is the front runner to win.

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