
BB10 USA - April or Jerry??

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Which of these two, April or Jerry, would you like to see be voted out of the Big Brother house this week? Do you think Dan will use the POV and save either Jerry or April?




  1. I don't really care who leaves because I dislike both of them!  I don't think Dan will use the POV on Jerry because of the things Jerry has said to him.  But he probably won't use it on April either.  I hope Dan wins HOH this week!  

  2. You should put "Spoiler Alert" in your question if you're going to give away things like who won POV before they air on CBS.

    I personally would like to see Jerry gone.  He is so mean and hateful to everyone, especially Dan.  Dan has always treated everyone in the house with respect -- which will be a plus for him if he makes the final two -- but Jerry still goes after him.  Idiot.

    However, game-wise, April needs to go because she and Ollie have a tight alliance, regardless of that line of bull Ollie fed to Renny.  As the numbers in the house dwindle, a 2-person alliance gets more and more powerful -- remember the Donatos?

    And for your last question:  no, I don't think Dan will use the Veto.  He wants Jerry out, and his alliance wants April out, so he's good with them both being on the block.


  3. I think they should vote out April this week because Jerry will continue to have a target on his back, so it would be good to leave him in and vote him out next week, buying them all another week.

    But the houseguests aren't too smart, so they will probably send Jerry packing this week, leaving April and Ollie in the house together.

    I highly doubt Dan will use the POV.

  4. Dan will save neither.  I would like to see April go because then Ollie will be on his own.

  5. Seeing the spider eyelashes of April's all matted up with tears would be a wonderful thing.

    Jerry's a pain in the butt and it's great to watch him interrupt april and ollie every time they try to slip off.

    Smart thing:  break up the jerry, ollie, april alliance by booting april out.

    i'm flipping out to see michelle getting all buddy buddy with renny and her group.  what a bunch of butt kissers.

  6. Well, I wish both of them would leave if there would be a surprise Double Eviction the Big Brother House.  So that everybody would be happy. America hates April's Alliance

  7. I want Jerry to leave because of the problems he has caused in to the whole house. As Renny said, he has upset practically everyone in the house. I like April so I don't want to see her go and Ollie would be crushed also. I bet after this game, They are more than likely going to be going out. It's obvious how they feel for eachother. You can tell by some of the episodes.

  8. If Dan saves anyone I think it will be Jerry to maybe get his respect back. I think he should not use it because he will upset the side of the house that is already suspicious of him being Americas Player.

    As game strategy goes either one would be a benefit to get out.

    Jerry because he keeps slipping under the radar and could push his way till the end. People keep thinking he is not a threat but hes made it this far.

    April should go because she has a very strong alliance with Ollie and they could push through to the end. And she is a very strong competitor in the endurance comps.

  9. Of course I want that ugly s***k April out.  I am 99.9% sure that Dan won't be using the veto.

  10. I think the smart thing to do would be to vote april out of the house.  

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