
BB10 USA spoiler feed watchers?

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Who did Dan put on the block? Were there any other competitions today, food, luxury etc?




  1. Dan put up Memphis and Jerry.  Memphis was Ollie's pick, which was part of their deal.  Now Memphis is kind of mad at Dan, but Dan says that he will be safe.  Hopefully, Dan doesn't get evicted this week (double eviction); he's my favorite!

    I don't think there were any other competitions today.

  2. According to the answers in my question, Memphis and Jerry.

    But Dan and Memphis are an alliance, so he'd better backdoor Michelle like I heard.  That way he keeps his word to both Ollie per the 'deal', and Memphis happy.  Those 2, especially with Renny liking them (Michelle and Ollie) scare me more than Jerry now.  Although Ollie hasn't really won much, so...

    I forgot it was a double-eviction week!  I thought the HOH couldn't go..

    Edit:  Reading all these spoilers has my mind reeling!! :)  - I just realized that Jerry could be the 'swing vote' this week, I sure hope Dan and him agree on 'morals'!  Dan should get Jerry's word or something.. He always says (Jerry) that his word is everything.  If Olly wins POV, I'm sure Keesha's going up.. so we need Dan Keesha or Jerry to win it! (in that order).

  3. Spoiler*********************************...

    with Memphis and Jerry on the block, he is hoping anyone except Olly or Michelle will win and take Jerry off the block in order to back-door Michelle, or Olly.

    No other comps yet. I hope they give them a break from food comps, poor Jerry was on slop for 21 days.

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