
BB10: sum up? 10pts?

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Can someone just sum up to me the main points of what happened on Big Brother in the last three episodes? (Last Sunday, Thursday, & Tuesday) Thaankks!




  1. last tuesday it was the nominations face to face and then the prize money and thursday it was um mikey and rex had another massive fight before again on friday and sunday was a task where you had to do personality's of housemates and they passed but you had to pass completely as there was a catch and they had to go to the diary room and name the personalitys everyone had said and they failed that so they failed the complete task

  2. Tuesday

    Memphis and Jerry were on the block, Dan was HOH

    Memphis won POV, took himself off

    Dan had each house guest(expect memphis and Jerry) go around and say who should go up.  Michelle said Keesha, Keesha said Michelle, Ollie said Renny and Renny said Ollie.  So Dan told Michelle she lost the bet, and put her up


    The house were told that there will be two eviction that night

    The first was Michelle

    they had HOH, Keesha won in a tied breaker to Jerry

    Keesha put up Jerry and Ollie

    they had POV, Memphis won

    they had POV meeting, Memphis did not use the POV

    They voted OLLIe out


    HOH-Jerry won

    Jerry had Memphis promise him he will take him to the final two

    Memphis and Dan goal was to just have one up

    Jerry put Keesha and Dan up

    You did not ask for anything else

  3. Last Tuesday they had the veto competition and ceremony. Memphis won the veto and took himself off the block. Dan played replacement nominee roulette and put the house against each other. He put Michelle on the block in Memphis' place. Last Thursday went really fast. Michelle was evicted. Keesha won HOH. Keesha put up Jerry and Ollie. Dan won POV. Dan didn't use the POV. Ollie was evicted. Last Sunday Jerry won HOH and he put up Dan and Keesha.
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