
BB9, So who do you want to win, and do you even care???????

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BB9, So who do you want to win, and do you even care???????




  1. rachel 2 win

    i hate sara

  2. I want Lisa to win. She is genuine, funny, and the best housemate this year.

  3. Rachel

  4. I like most of them ...

    Mikey to win

    If not,,



    or Mo. ;]


  5. darnell or lisa i don't even particularly like them anymore no clear winners, i hear mikey is favourite to win which begs the question why..just because hes blind that's no reason..hes sense of humour is awful he has disgusting eating habits and tells horrible jokes

  6. nope - i asked a similar question myself.   not a one of them is a winner so its not who i WANT to win but divided into groups of:

    wouldn't really care - Darnell (needs the validation), sarah (inoffensive), mikey (the only one who really speaks his mind) and the ones who i dont want to win: rex (arrogant and doesnt need the money), lisa and rachel (dull as dishwater) mohammed (fat, boring lump) kat (soooooo irritating).... is that all of them?!

  7. I want darnell 2 win.

    he is soooo funny

  8. I Want kathrea To Win I think shes so funny

    Happy Happy House Big Brudaa


  9. nah I dont care. never really been a fan

  10. to be honest i think Sarah or Lisa should win, but i don't really car because they are all nice and funny, BB9 is a very hard decision to chose who would win, but i think sarah or lisa :)  bye x

  11. it    will   be    a     fix    if     mikey    wins .    

    dont    want    rach    to     win    either .    she    should     stop    treating   hms     like     infants    .    (   mikey   wikey   )   rexy - wexy.

    lisa- weasa .   kat-t@at     pity   mo s      name   is  not    .    frankie .

    kat    is   very    devious    .      dont     want     lisa    win     because     of      mario  .      he   will    tell   her    she    only    won    because    of    the    proposal     stunt.  

        ,  mo    wants    everything    handed   to  him   for    nothing .   so      it     will     have    to    be    down      to    the    3    who    give      the     most     entertainment       ,       whether     its    been    good    or    bad  .            

        sara -     rex -     darnell  

  12. Unlike other years H.......I haven't got a fave this time although wouldn't be to upset if Darnell, Rex or maybe Sra won !  

  13. i could see darnell winning, or the blind guy...

  14. I'm not overly keen on anyone in there to be honest.

    Purely because she has been treated so badly, I would like Sara to win.

    If Kat or darnell win I will never watch it again! x

  15. It's still Rachel for me

  16. I want Sarah to win but think Mikey will probably do it

  17. I have no one I could say I was desperate to win this year H.  Last year I wanted Brian almost from the start and was over the moon when he won but this year I don't feel like that about anybody.  All I know is that I want someone who is genuine, caring and who has been consistent throughout or someone who has learnt a lot about themselves like Brian did.  The only person for me is Rachel, possibly Kat, and I know Darnell has been an absolute pain, but he has deep psychological issues because of his albinism so it would give him such a boost to win.  It would be nice for a woman to win for a change so I would pick Rachel but I wouldn't be disappointed if she didn't.

  18. I want mikey to win because his disgusting habits and just funny to laugh at. When they were doing Michael Jackson task me and my sister were hysterical. I do agree though, he is disgusting.

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