
BB9,Kat, wtf with the overreaction, they're going to see her in 2 days, she's not being deported ffs, I wante?

by  |  earlier

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to give her a bloody good slap!




  1. I wanted her deported now you mention it lol

  2. cant stand her she acts like a child my kids don't even act like she did happy house cookies all my friends what a load of **** all she was bothered about was losing she wanted the dosh as shes broke after funeral bills of 8,000 she needs a slap to get in reality life ain't like that wish it was well not for me anyway there is always something in your life that makes you sad so you cant always be like that and if shes not meant to be in this country then what was she do in in bb send her back

  3. I know....You would have thought she had heard that her mother had died or something.

    The faker really had convinced herself that she was going to win.

  4. I was sad for her ,I am not that cruel ,But I do think she was crying with dissapointment ,I think she thought she had it  in the bag ,Other housemates kept telling her she would win ,

  5. Perhaps she was crying because she needed the money to go back home ! She must have thought she was in with a chance as she never had any nominations - perhaps just clever editing.

    She probably over-reacted   cos she had no make-up on !

  6. focroflolpmsl

  7. she is really annoying all the way through the programme her singing has really annoyed me.

    I no what you mean im so glad she is out.. its about time.

  8. Calm down now whip!

    Take a chill pill!

    If there is any reason she should not be in this country, she will be deported!

    I, myself, think, that a person who goes around acting like a 4 year old when she is fact 30, should be deported............immediately!

    So there is hope chick;-)

  9. Yep all that hysterical shite whip.....when I bet they're all thinking......Right Well With The Favourite Gone.....Maybe I Do Stand A Chance Of Winning.

    Just watched the repeat again this morning and there's one point when Rex was going "Oh My God, Oh My God" with a slight smug grin !!!

  10. Ha.

    She is the most annoying housemate i have ever seen.

    Sometimes i wanted to jump in to my tv and strangle the div :)

  11. I would love to slap her too!  

  12. Happy house Happy house Happy house....

    if your happy and you know it clap your hands.

  13. it was all fake, her overeacting is amazing, glad the thai tv presenter has gone.

  14. no she  was crying  not  because of her  frwiends  but because   she's  lost out on  the  dosh

  15. she is annoying lol.

  16. now you come to mention it, has anyone checked her papers??!!

  17. I asked the exact same question. WHY CRY?

    I could understand if it was 2 weeks and she had to wait 10 weeks or something MAYBE but TWO DAYS? good lord.

    If she wasn't playing up to the cameras then I'm the pope!

  18. Ooh Whip you are hard!  It was a huge shock one minute being in the house where you have lived for 92 days and then being catapulted to the outside world - she must have been all over the place.  Mo said as much too.  She probably wasn't thinking straight!

  19. deport her and while ya there put darnell with her

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