
BB9: Anyone else hate Rex and Nicole?

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BB9: Anyone else hate Rex and Nicole?




  1. Rex is arrogant sometimes but at least he says it straight. There's none of this rubbish where he scoots around what he wants to say, or pretends things are ok when they aren't. I could get alone with him once I learned that there were other people, other than me, who are like that...

    Nicole however, is just 'nasty'

  2. Yes I hate them both

  3. I don't know either of them so why would I hate them?

  4. i hate rex!!!!!!! get him out get him out get him out .... lol  

  5. Yes, I can't work out who I hate more though.

  6. i like Rex but i don't like his girlfriend

    it's great watching it when they disagree

  7. yup

  8. i didn't mind rex until nicole came in now i hate them both

  9. yea..hate tem.nicole is spiolt n rex gives er wat she wants cause shes really pretty

  10. I suppose that it's now impossible for Rex to make up lost ground.

    Nicole brings out the worst in him

    She's a whining, spoilt, immature, thick so-called "princess" - but more fool him for pandering to her.

    So she has ruined him, as well as looking so bad herself.

  11. Nope - I never watch this retarded rubbish.  

  12. yup, mostly nicole that little s***k.

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