
BB9: BB wants Mario to return for last week, are they losing the plot?

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Wouldn't Alex be better viewing?




  1. Noo not Mario :(

    Bring back BEX!!


  2. They're just becoming desperate now!

  3. aww that would be so...


  4. i hope he doesnt go back in put steph back in

  5. This year bb is Cr*p!

    all the entertaining people have gone

    like bex!

  6. I don't think putting Mario back in for the final week would be very spectacular ... putting Stephanie back in would though.

    Btw, how do they know Lisa is going to be there for the final week? Sounds fishy to me.  


  8. this bb is c**p!!!

  9. I would rather

    Bex and Luke come back

    Now that would be entertaining


  10. Must be.

  11. I wouldn't want Mario to go back just because I think it would really hurt Lisa's chances of possibly winning (not that he would win, just that he would make her look bad, like Nicole has made Rex look bad).  Proposing would be a nice thing, but it should really be up to him whether he wants to do that on national television or not.  Personally, I would not have wanted my husband to propose to me on TV.  I wanted it to be very private between just us, so it shouldn't be used just as a gimmick to get more viewers.

  12. If they really want to be funny they should put Bex and Luke back in  

  13. BB doesnt allow any1 who has been removed from the BB house to enter the house again.

  14. That's if Lisa makes it all the way to the final.  Mario is having reservations because of his image by the  No, get girl no6 in or a red headed or ginger minx into the house to stir things up!!

  15. We don't want Mario

    We hate Mario

    Why doesn't he get the point

    If he was evicted it means we don't want to see him again

    How could big brother do this?!

    They are ruining the show

    First the blonde goldigger and now the stupid NOT buff tangerine, please big brother no!!! I really like Lisa now she's on her own and he would just ruin it!!!

    They must be losing the plot

    First Luke and Bex in for a day and now this tangerine

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