
BB9..Couldn't you just feel the BB fix?

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The crowd's reaction to Lisa didn't seem like they had wanted her out tonight.




  1. i thought that  myself  afro    all those  cheers  the best  reception  to  an  eviction  yet  so why   was  she   voted  out   ???? i  smell a  rat somewhere

  2. I think you could be right Afro.  As much as I don't condone Bullying I don't think it's right if Sara wins on 'Sympathy Votes'.  People have short memories it wasn't so long ago people were slating her over the Stuart/Darnell/Dale senerio.

  3. Although not a fan of Lisa I did think it was quite sweet when she got cheers and not boo's. She has not done anything in particular to deserve booing. Her only downfall is being in love with Mario but then again they suit each other! Not many girls would put up with his self love and I think he got a reality check when she stayed in so long without him :)

    Good luck to them, just hope they are not on the telly too much or if they are it is an obscure cable channel in the middle of the night !!!

  4. I think its getting to the point that there will be mostly cheers now anyway so no I dont think it was a fix  

  5. I was shocked, very shocked............are they fixing it again?

    Even my kid put her hand over her mouth........we were so sure Sara was going!

  6. Urm, you're right.

    I think people liked her, but just voted her out as they thought her time was up and they were doing it so she can go and see Mario.

    She got her £25,000, I would be happy enough.

  7. Lisa was a genuine person so was liked by the public and of course it was the housemates who put her up and not us. I just can't wait to see kats face when she has to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Of course the crowd didn't but the crowd only 300 people made up of drama students and people from the Borehamwood area. That in no way represents the UK public.


  9. As they were best friends in the house, Sara's fans probably liked Lisa too so either one would have got cheers. The public liked both of them.  

  10. She had the biggest cheers of any evictee and there were LOADS of placards stating 'Lisa to win' - you're probably right  

  11. I agree with you there have been several times as well that people have said on here that they want someone to stay in and they have gone out and there most be a good cross section of people on here  and when you think of the people that have been voted off and those that are left it makes you think  all the males that are left have had a lot of bad publicity on here  

  12. Yeah to right man, phony, they had to make it perfect for her and themselves. All showbiz.Our money down the phone!

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