
BB9 - Darnell's search for acceptance.....?

by Guest21287  |  earlier

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Do you think that if Darnell doesn't win BB he could end up killing himself?

The way he makes nothing into a big deal is not a good way to be, and he thinks the whole world is against him.

I hope he doesn't do it but i think it is possible. What do you think?




  1. I Don't Think He Will !

  2. I know - he got an Ipod as a gift from big bro and was still complaining!

  3. He burnt his own bridges.  Help there's a lunatic out of the BB house!

  4. Darnell is a waste of space....end of story

    There are GENUINE people out there who have mental health issues that need help!

  5. Acceptance is like respect, unless he accepts himself for who/what he is then he ain't going to get acceptance from the public either .... especially if he is nasty to other HM's. Darnell used to be a sweet funny guy but now he is getting nearer to the final is paranoia is turning to nastiness.

    I don't think he will commit suicide though because I think the money was far more important to Darnell than acceptance.  

  6. the carefully edited highlight show for the past week has only shown darnell in a negative light.....all the comments he has made have come out of conversations started by other people about who will win and who will get boo's etc.....EVERYONE IN THERE has moaned and groaned about not wanting a negative response when they leave, but other people saying this HAS NEVER BEEN SHOWN ON THE CHANNEL 4 is obvious that BB does not want darnell to win, they do the same thing each year by manipulating viewers opinions on housemates by heavily editing the channel 4 show.

    The e4 live feed is a completly different show altogether!!!!!

  7. No I don't think he will to be honest

    I think he would get acceptance, if she shut up about all his sob stories, cheered up and was nice to people instead of treating them like c**p. Also if he didn't break the law...

  8. I dont think he will..Channel 4 have edited it to make him look like that, watching the live shows (which I dont do often) helps show what they're like all the time..although the noises when they are talking about something actually worth watching are so annoying

  9. hes playing a game. thats the nature of big bro

  10. Darnell needs to see a shrink as soon as he gets out!   what the h**l is wrong with that guy.

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