
BB9! Darnell! Have you ever seen someone worship a Hamburger like that????? LMFAO:)))?

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BB9! Darnell! Have you ever seen someone worship a Hamburger like that????? LMFAO:)))?




  1. LOL .... That was like he was getting bloody married to it... Well at least we know who he really loves now.. Did the other housmates know about him eating the burger??

  2. Well, when one is not given the chance to worship a woman like that.....the next best thing is a burger...lmao

    He would have rather doing that for Sara but....

  3. Haha.

    It was so fuunny.

    Classic moment.

    I hope Darnell wins.

    He's a really funny cool guy.


  4. LMAO

    And Davina 'I wish he treated Sara like he did with that hamburger...'

    Hahaaaa woo Darnell !

    *FUNKYLiCiOUS [✗][☆]

  5. I know that was great

    That scene will be showed over and over again

    He was hilarious


  6. I bet Mackee D's are signing him up as we speak to do their adverts

  7. It was funny.

  8. Well Domestos featured Alex in a commercial didn't they so maybe McDonalds will do the same with Darnell !

  9. I had a romantic attachment to a hot dog once :-)

  10. i'm dying for a juicy burger after seeing that!!! lol

  11. It was like " Women are OK but not as good as the real thing " (burgers ) LOL!

  12. It almost became sexual at one point, I enjoy a Big Mac but not after that.

  13. LMFAO that was a classic Darnell moment, Mcdonalds are prob drawing up their contract right now

  14. prefer big hot dogs myself! lol

  15. loool he is a legend  

  16. LOL! he likes his Burgers!

  17. darnell looks like an under cooked chip

  18. LOL THAT WAS SOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. it was a classic moment.....almost spiritual............PML :) )

  20. That was very funny

    And don't you think he made an excellent zombie in the Thriller task!?

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