
BB9 Did you just hear what Sara said ?

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"The Rap party next weekend will be at one of Rex's Restaurants"

What does that tell us ?




  1. And she and Darnell is all lovey dovey and faking friendship.

    What are they like....They are all playing us...I think.

  2. I'm not surprised.

    btw,shouldn't that be 'WRAP' party?.

  3. That shes got her head screwed on.

  4. I agree with dunrobin - that's the tactic Sara has used all the way through, b/c no one was standing up for her enough to get the bullies off her back....she just wants to be liked and accepted - and she has to live there and get along with the hm's the best way she knows in order to survive all their attacks...

    well said RAINBOW         ;   )

  5. I fecking missed that nan!

  6. Think its Rex who is backtracking he has realised how he has mistreated her and has now done a 360,so he is kissing @@@@ big time with her now,its his guilty conscience trying to cover up the damage he has already done,Darnell is playing for the sympathy vote now,both of them need to go home.

  7. Ha Ha Chris....Yes I did......And Sara and Rex seem to be getting on 'Famously Now' don't they.

    EDIT - And what in Gods name was Sara 'Bigging' Kat up like that for - you could just see Kat lapping that up like the cat who'd just got the cream !!

  8. There's a party going down next week-end! and we are invited????

  9. That's a common way of dealing with bullying. Try to ingratiate yourself with the bully and try to get them off your back. You must surely have seen that tactic used by people at school who were being bullied.

  10. That she is not the poor victim that everyone is saying she is.  It has all been blown out of proportion.  A few harsh words do not constitute bullying in my opinion.  The word is soooo over used these days.  

  11. It probably means that Mr Newmark is funding the show !

  12. I hate Sara.

    I hope she doesnt win.

  13. i  didn't  hear  it nanny but in  all fairness  as  some have said  if  they  were  "bullying  "  her   why  the  f  does  she  always  hang  around them  i'm  sorry i  just  don't  get  it  maybe  its  me   !!

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