
BB9 Does anyone else think that Kat is dripping poison in peoples ears?

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I have thought from day one that this game player is nasty and acts up to the she is really starting to show her true colours with her over the top childlike manner and back stabbing!

GET KAT OUT.......SARA/LISA/MIKE TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Kat’s ok. A lot of people think she’s ‘fake’ but no-one can keep an act up for that long!! She’s a sweet girl and I have no idea what you mean when you say she’s ‘dripping poison into people’s ears’ (lol), can you give examples? Can you give examples of her backstabbing?

    And to the person who said Lisa’s the most honest in there…come on!!! She’s the biggest bullsh*tter they’ve ever had! She was in the backing band for 10cc? They’ve never heard of her. She saw a little green man and it stole her tent? I don't think so. Anyone who actually believes her is a complete moron.

  2. ugh kat drives me insane!! i swear if i hear her say appy oooouse!! or cooookie loooove!! another time im gonna bash my head through the toilet door lol

    i agree with you about lisa to win!! ..or darnell lol

  3. Who cares? Why do you waste your time watching that trash?

  4. No I dont.  I think Lisa is the one who drips people little t*t bits against other people.  She's quite snide that one.

    Kat's annoying but I do think she is genuine.

  5. To be honest i've never taken much notice of Kat from day 1. She annoyed me as soon as she got out of the van and started jumping around like a child.

    I agree with your winners but not in that order, Mikey, Sara, Lisa

    I'm glad to see somebody else likes Sara, i thought i was the only one

  6. I agree! She's so irritating!

    Get kat out.

    Lisa to win!

  7. Well said Prince and Purple - totally agree.  No way is Kat a back stabber -Lisa is the biggest two faced back stabber in there like her nasty boyfriend.  Sara is a slapper and Mikey is a disgusting perv.

  8. yes when she lets her 'happy face' off just for a mo she has got a very hard glint to her eyes it is all an act.

  9. how has she been back stabbing ?? i don't think that's fair, yes maybe she plays up to the cameras but don't they all at times.

    yes she can be annoying with her screaming but so can Mikey.

    how can you call Kat a back stabber then want Lisa to win is Lisa not guilty of back stabbing to, or is it ok when she is nice to peoples face but then slags them off behind there backs.

    if your going to put down a house member for back stabbing then put all house members down who do it, don't contradict your self by looking the other way when your favourite do it, that shows how immature you are.

    there go my ten points)

  10. Tell me about it. She covers it all up with "happy how happy hoow" sorry, I mean "house" songs so that nobody suspects anything. She needs to go and she can take her broken english with her. She's 30 for god's sake. She needs to act her age and stop sh*t stirring.

  11. i think sara or darnell to win  

  12. You got that right sister!

  13. nooo I love Kat, she's so funny! People just can't handle that their are housemates that are just genuinely nice.

  14. You are dead right. when will the British public see through game players like her? Personally I dont know who I want to win. I hate Rex and his spoilt partner.

  15. Erm no.

    The biggest game player in there at the moment is Nicole. She is laying on the bed with Kat and Darnell but if it wasn't nomination day she wouldn't give Darnell the time of day.

    Sara is sitting chatting to Rachel although we know she is going to nominate her and Lisa, well she is the biggest back stabber in there.

  16. No.

    Are you perhaps judging her by your own standards?

  17. Ha Ha Ha Lisa is the Nastiest Person in there always as been whispered poison from day one ,Kat is not like that at all ,Alright she gets on your nerves But she is not a back Stabber like Mikey Lisa and all the nasty ones the public have thrown out I sometimes wonder if people that like Lisa and Mikey have been watching the same show as me ,or perhaps not watched it from the beginning ,Sara as joined them ,the trouble is there is not so many of the nasty group left ,They are in a minority ,So of course they are outnumbered ,Rex and Nicole to go Rachel to win  

  18. I don't think she is dripping anymore poison into peoples ears than other housemates have done previously....although I bet they wish she would when she starts singing

  19. Agree, agree, agree, Lisa is the most honest person in there, followed by Mikey and Sarah and Darnell.

    Kat is a player and drives me mad.

  20. I haven't liked her from the start, with that stupid cookie jar, she is obviously trying to get some endorsement deals after she leaves. The singing drives me mad, I can't understand why the housemates all think she is so popular. I like Lisa, she is wicked. Worried that Mikie will win just because he is blind, on his VT he was going on about liking to wear women's underwear and tights, but nothing came of it, I think Lisa is the only genuine one, I like her caught in the headlights diary room aunt Sally look, and she is never nasty, unlike kat who is always slipping a sly one in when she can. I think you are spot on with her. x

  21. i've  always  thought  Kat was a fake  and acts  up to the  cameras , she  is playing the  biggest  game  in  that  house , i think Darnell and  mo are the  most  genuine  , i hope  thay  are in  the  final  they deserve to be  

  22. lisa is so two faced and sara is a loud mouth but i want mikey to win

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