
BB9 How would Darnell like it....?

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if Sara compared him to this

He said she looked like Ratatouille he needs to check himself out




  1. I think he is typical of a guy who has had a knock back.  He so obviously fancied the pants off her, although I have to confess, I think she led him on.  However, to go as far as Darnell has gone is over the top. If I were Sara, I would have to call him Gollum!


  2. he needs a reality check and go look in the mirror before he calls anyone ugly

  3. Omg hahahahahahaha. I can't believe that ... That looks like him! :L

  4. OMG! .. I'ts Darnell lmfaoo.

  5. oh my god, i know!

    i was just watching it when he called her an ugly bit*h.

    he's not exactly gorgeous himself, :O

    AND he made fun of her body - id kill for a body like that!

    pfft .. men on big brother these days. (N)

  6. OMG is that photoshopped? That really looks like Darnell!

  7. I was thinking more this picture as the gorilla looks moody and miserable

    I was thinking the exact same thing when he was going on about Ratatouille. He even WALKS like a gorilla with his arms hanging in front of him. He can't slag Sara off, who by the way DOES look like Angelina Jolie even figure wise, because she has no b***s or bum or whatever when he has a bad body and so what body's come in different shapes and sizes. If he thought she really was unattractive as he said then he wouldn't fancy her so much that he bullies her.

  8. omg it look just like him

  9. Omg that was so funny! Love the pic lol!

    I hate Darnell & have done for ages! Im sick at him making slight remarks almost chalking away everyones confidence slowly! IF HE HASNT GOT ANY THEN WHO IS HE TO TAKE AWAY OTHER PEOPLES!

  10. LOL, he looks exactly like that

    If only she did

  11. I know what you mean, he's not the most handsome in the house and he just fancies her and wants to get back at her because she likes stu.

  12. LMAO,I didn't know he had a twin.

  13. She should just inform him that a man who's never been with a woman can hardly comment on her morals as he has no yard stick to measure it by.

  14. that's the image of him the ugly f*cker,

    good answer Phil H.

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