
BB9 If Rex wins would it be a slap in the face for Decent Behavior?

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I think it would be a huge insult, we cant let it happen.




  1. That leaves Mikey Sara and what's her name doesn't it!

  2. I think they will lose a lot of viewers next year if Rex wins. People would not want to watch characters like him or paranoid schizophrenic Darnell get rewarded from doing bad things.

    People who like Rex are the scum of society, they mirror his behaviour.

  3. I am glad you have posed this question as I have said the same thing in a couple of my answers - Rex winning would be like saying his behaviour has been rewarded and it pays to be a bully, demeaning to women and all the other things he is guilty of.  I am sorry but I disagree about Darnell - he insulted Sara once and explained it was not really aimed at her personally.  Not excusable I know but one mistake can be forgiven, Rex's can't because it has been consistent throughout.  He has made Rachel's life a misery in there and the way he treated his girlfriend was deplorable.

    Edit- Sally yes Darnell is paranoid but he has got good reason to be - he has psychological problems  -does that mean people with mental problems can't win something?  It is an illness.  People should look behind Darnell's behaviour for the reasons why - his albinism, being partially sighted and being a black man in a white body.  It has a tremendous impact on him.

  4. let racheal win i say shes sweet and has been spoken to like s hit from day dot. darnell is a tw*t


    rex to win :)

  6. I agree. His behaviour for an adult is disgraceful, how has he got so far in life without his backside kicked, is a mystery to me. As for unhinged Darnell, remove all sharp utensils, What a pair of nitwits.

  7. As long as Mikey dosent win anyone will do me Rex ,Darnell,Sara or Rachel ,Hes not funny, hes back Stabbed his way to the top .Darnell is Paranoid but a big Numpty Rachel is so sweet Sara a natural Big Brother winner ,Rex well he thought having a dig would make him popular ,But then who could blame him thinking that ,Mikey as been doing it Slyly from the beginning .But then Rex hasent got the advantage to win as Mikey as had right from when he walked in the house ,Like somebody said if he had been sighted he would have gone with the other Whisperers long ago ,

  8. Rex was instantly nicer when nicole left however the remenants of the *wat are still present as they always were. Darnell is boring and the most self centered person ever. I hate them both and if either get even into the final 3 ill kill an innocent pidgoen.

    They are both awful people.

    I'd love Mikey to win. However id be happy with Rachel or Sara. Mikey however has been the funniest, the nicest, the most cnsistent in views and personality, and the only one to SHOUT DOWN REX!

    What a fantastic moment. (

    Rex was *ucking shot down, dude.

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