
BB9: Is REX trying to fget himself nominated next week..????

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so NICOLE has only 1 week to cheat on him before he shackles, and suffocates her again..?? ☺

or is it just me..?




  1. Good for Rachel for not rising to the bait Doc.  I just think it's the kind of remark we have begun to expect from Rex now.  Interesting to see how he behaves when Nicole leaves tonight !!

  2. Rex might be a prick doc, but at least he isn't as fecked up a Nicole, that spoilt little Prima Donna needs a good bloody hiding!

  3. That guy is unreal,I think he thinks he has the show won hands down,Cant wait till it blows up in his face.

  4. The bloke is an @rse, pure and simple!

  5. There's meant to be a live eviction on Wednesday night apparently,hopefully he'll go then.

  6. What a b*****d !

    I know we all have freedom of speech but he's not going to be making many friends talking like that,is he ?

    As for Nicole - let's hope she sees sense and lets papa take her away from Rex , perhaps to foreign climes

  7. He isn't TRYING, but from the looks of it he will  

  8. nicole is a ridiculous excuse for a girlfriend moaning little madam me  and her are the same age and she acts about 12. Rex cant b 2 bothered about her going off wih some 1 or he would leave with her !!  

  9. This is nothing new when it comes to rex having a dig at Rachel, he has been onto her for weeks now and getting worse by the day!

    I think he wants a reaction from her to prove she is playing a game (sorry Rex, I thought it was a game!), good on her for not raising to the bait, that's the Welsh for ya!

    I thought the obnoxious tw@t was going to walk if she was evicted anyway!

    Yeah Rex, sure!

  10. Im off here for a few days...

    And your spelling goes to pot.....

  11. He must have a very small willy!

  12. Ahh i h8 Rex, he is a bully and manipulates every1 in the house!!

    Nicole is just a little girl who does as he says they belong together they are so up their own arses.

    i hope he goes next week and deserves to go the quicker he is off our screens the better!

  13. Because he has money he thinks everyone should l**k his @rse ,including Nicole (well he is paying for it). Take away the money & all you have is a sad inadequate s**+tbag that needs to pick on girls to make himself feel powerful.In my eyes he's a lot poorer than the rest of them put together

  14. No, he just can't help being an obnoxious git and he is only taking out his frustration on Rachel as usual because he knows that she is many times the woman that Nicole is.

    He will be up next week for sure though.

  15. I hope so


  16. LOL, i love rex.

  17. Rex is a nasty piece of work full stop.

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