
BB9: Is there any point to this week....shouldn't they just give .....??

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...Mikey the money NOW.... and end it tonight..?




  1. LoL i know what you mean, its so obvious he's going to win it isn't it  

  2. LOL yeah i know what you mean.. but you never know.. alot of people want sarah to win. hopefully she will :)


  3. nooo money for mikey!

  4. i think mikey is the most sane, switched on person in there and probably does deserve to win it but i don't want it to end just yet

  5. its changed to be sarah i would think.

    i want nobody to be win and everyone give up.

    or or or everyone to go back in and everyone have the chance to win. :) that would be good then someone good could get the money.

    it would be funny if steph got it.

    its is sooooooo boring this year.

    i think that they should have had a fake final last friday and evicted everyone except the winner and leave them in for the week. mickey would have been funny not knowing where he is going and playing funny noises into the house to get them freaked.

  6. or  give it to  Sarah to go with the  other  25k ffs  lol

  7. I think it's actually one of the most open finals they've had yet. Most series you can tell from early on who is going to win, this one it has changed as the weeks go by. I like Mikey as a person but he is so grimey, did you see him l*****g that piece of toast, gross!

  8. Yep I think from the moment her entered the house Doc it was a foregone conclusion he'd win !!

  9. I second that motion sir....

  10. As long as they don't give it to that hag Renny, I don't care who else wins.  I'm rooting for Dan though, he's the best player on this season.

  11. They should have give it to him Week 1.....

    We all knew he would get the sympathy vote....

    Ive wasted 3 months on this....Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

  12. OMG! dont give it to mikey!

    He just sits there and occasionally says somthing and then everybody is like "He is going to deffo win now"

    Surely Rex should win because he is interesting. Or sarah because she is fun, or even Rachel because she is kind

    Mikey has made it clear from the start that he doesnt want friends and that he just wants the money

  13. i agree with you. mikey to win. this has been the worst bb ever. they are just dragging out the show

  14. Mikey will indeed walk away with the 100k

    and people will still pay good money voting.

    Endamol will want to squeeze every last penny

    they can out off the gullible public.The show

    has been dire and could do with ending it

    tonight as you say,will save a lot of misery

    being inflicted on the lot of us.

  15. I think they should just give it to Sara tonight...because that's who I think they plan to make the winner.

  16. No. Mikey may not win.

    I hope he doesn't anyway! Hes so annoying!

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